[17] Standards

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"U-Um excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow a little baffled from what he said.

"You know, a test. Nothing with paper work or any of that stuff. Just something I wanna see from you that would reach my standards." I really hope he doesn't mean sing.. "Do you mi-"

"Cece!" I turn to the doorway to see a very out of breathe brown hair lady. I heaved a heavy sigh. "Oh okay good, your here." She huffed out air and moved her hair away from her face.

"Noona, whos this?" Jimin asked sitting beside me.

"Haru-unni," I said. She looked at me. She suddenly gave me one of those fake smiles and chuckled. I pulled a smile that matched hers. "So glad of you to join us." I said.

"Haha, yeah, so whats going on?" She stood by the door looking at us.

"Well, I was about to test Cece." Pdogg said. "You know, making sure shes qualified for the guys."

"Ah," Haru chuckled. She looked at me then him. I gave her a pleading look because I really didn't want to sing in front if them. "What is your test exactly?" 'Does she really have to ask?'

"Cece, you claim that you understand music. Can you sing for us?" I cussed under my breath.

"What was that?" Jimin said leaning closer. "Did you say you'd do it? Really?" The look in his eyes showed that he was excited. I held my breath and looked at everyone in the room. I bit the inside of my cheek.

"Cece-ah, I mean, if you really don't want to do it, we can figure something out." Suga said quietly. I smiled a little at him.

"Its okay," I said getting up. I looked at Haru and she was smiling at me. She looks like she just received an award. "I'll do it." I walked past them and into the recording booth. "Your gonna have to pay me back for this." I said in Chinese.

"I know, I'm sorry. I love you." Haru said. I rolled my eyes.

"If it wasn't for Jimin and Suga, then I wouldn't have done it." I walked into the booth and sighed. I looked around at the small booth. Its like I'm going to be trapped in a confined space, and I hate it.

"Go on in." Pdogg said. I inhaled air before stepping in and closing the door behind me. I stood in front of the mic.

"Chachi-ah, your okay right? Its not to small?" Haru's voice echoed through the room. It was small but I can handle it. I've been in smaller rooms before, but it all turned out badly.

"I'm okay." I said exhaling slowly. I place the headphones on my head. It felt like my ear was covered by huge bowls.

"What song are you gonna sing for us?" I turn to look at them through the plastic window. All of them were staring at me. The 3 stooges were smiling at me.

"I'm debating on Come Back Home by 2ne1 the unplugged version or Eyes Nose Lips by Taeyang." I said resisting myself from saying 'oppa'. I don't think I'm ready to say he's my brother yet. Plus, I think Jimin has a little obsession over him.

Plus they could get a wrong idea when I call him 'oppa'. But I mean, were 6 years apart.

"Maybe you should wait to sing Eyes Nose Lips with your brother, I know thats coming up soon." Haru said.

"Hm, your right. I'll sing Come Back Home, the unplugged version." I said. Haru and Pdogg nodded. I could see their mouth moving through the window but I couldn't hear what they were saying. I could hear the slow guitar strings pluck through the headphones.

I remember the lyrics because I sang and studied the lyrics when it came out. Well, one because 2NE1 is an amazing girl group and good friends of mine, and two, its a really good song.

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