[18] Schedule

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"Aish, this women. How long had she been here?"

"All night? We found her sleeping curled up in the chair." I heard a loud sigh. I moved my face closer to something soft. I groaned a little and rubbed my eyes but was stopped when my hand hit my glasses. I blinked and rubbed then under my glasses.

"Oh look shes waking up." I fixed my glasses and looked around the room. I met Haru's eyes glaring down at me. I quickly sat up and fixed my shirt clearing my throat. I covered the lower part of my face with my shirt.

"You've been here all night? What time did you fall asleep?" Haru crossed her arm.

"Uh..." I thought. I really dont remember. "Mollayo..?"

"Chachi!" She raised her voice. "Don't you know I've been looking for you? Its already 5:45 and we were suppose to leave about 40 minutes ago!"

"Mianhae Haru. I was working on some new dubstep." She sighed irritatingly and rubbed her temples.

"Okay, its fine. Lets go before were late. I told you to sleep but you worked more. I swear you are a musicholic." I smiled a little at that. I packed everything into my bag and followed after her. I wasn't finished with the dupstep yet but I'm close.

I thanked the new workers that worked this hour. I got into the back to the black GMC Denai. "Okay, so were stopping by your house so you could wash up then we head out." I nodded.

I turned on my laptop and found out that it was almost dead. I frowned. I thought I charged it already. I shut it down and sighed. I heard Haru gasp. "Your finally taking interest in driving?"

"Huh?" I looked at her. She was holding the permit study guide in her hands. Dang, I thought I put that away before leaving the house.

"Yes! Finally!"

"No you got it wrong. Krystal put that in my bag." I said reaching to take it away but she moved her hand away.

"No, you better study. Your almost turning 22, you need to be able to drive." I sighed loudly. "I know its hard Cece, but that was about....3 and half years ago." She said softly.

"I'll look into it. Later, not now." I said. She gave me a look then handed me the paper. I stuff it back in my bag and closed it. I lean my head back and closed my eyes. Just as I did that Cece spoke up saying that were here. I groaned and got out to brush my teeth.

"Just wash up! We got your things already." Haru called behind me. I waved her off and unlocked the house and ran up to my room.

Once I was done, I hopped back in the car and we drove off. The time was around 6:10 and Haru was talking about the schedule and how we were almost running late. Suwon isn't that far from Seoul. It takes about 40 minutes to drive but more of theres traffic.

"Lets go Cece." Haru shook me awake making me groan. I sighed putting on a mask and fixed my glasses before getting out if the car. There was already fans and reporters outside of the building. My body guard tried to make room for me to past. Luckily I made it through safely.

Haru led me to a room where their was cosmetic artists waiting for me. "Morning Cece-ah, Haru-ah." They said and bowed. We greeted them back and told me to sit down and start working on my hair and make up.

Aum-Hee worked really fast and professionally on my make up and hair style. After she was done with my face, I put in my contacts and waited for her to bring me an outfit to wear.

It was a white shirt with stitched plaid black and red cloth at the bottom. On the back said 'Underrated 00' in the plaid cloth. The front was plain white but had a small pocket on my right breast with the plaid design. The shorts were a fringy black with a bandana design on the sides and inside pockets.

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