[23] MC

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I was getting my make up done while going on my phone. I found myself on Suga's messages. I dont know why I was here. No one was texting. Maybe I was a little more than harsh with him last time. He doesnt know that I dont want to get close to people.

Yet, I want to talk to him.

I bit my lip as I pressed the text box and starting typing.


I erased it. "Dont bit your lip, you'll bruise it." One of the stylist said. I let out an embarrassing chuckle. She starts to apply lip stick on them.

'I'm sorry' No that doesn't work. 'Hey, whats up?' Why is this so hard to start a conversation.

I groaned and tossed my phone on the desk. Someone knocked on the door. I looked in the mirror and watched as it opened revealing Haru. She was texting away on her phone.

"I want to say that its 25 minutes before show starts." My stomach dropped. I started to feel nauseous. I held up my hand so the stylish would stop working. They backed away. "Ce? Are you okay?"

I shook my head. My heart began to beat faster, my breathing starts to pick up pace. "Cece, breathe, your okay, your with me." She appeared in front of me. She handed me a bottle of water. I grabbed the water bottle and drank it with thirst.

She said something in her ear piece but I didn't pay attention. Just thinking of going on stage and seeing a bunch of people, fans, and parents made my stomach turn. What happen if I mess up? What happen if something goes wrong will my mic stop working? What happens if I slip and fall!?

"Hey Chachi." I looked up to see the only one guy that I tried to text. We haven't looked at each other properly in the eye for a week. But hes standing in front of me smiling. Something in his eyes made the uneasy feeling stop. My heart picked up for a different reason. My breathing came back to normal.

"I heard your an MC for KKDA." He bent down to my eye level. "Are you nervous?" What is he doing here?

"What are you doing here?" I asked. He gave me a small smile. Oh that smile. Wait, help me.

"Well, we heard that your controlling this event with someone and we wanted to come and support you." We? The door opened again and I saw the rest of Bangtan Boys and my camera crew. They were all dressed up well with bright smiles on their faces. V and J-Hope were holding flowers.

"Is this your first time becoming an MC?" Rap Monster asked. I nodded.

He patted my shoulder and said, "You'll do great." And gave me a full teeth smile.

"Thank you." I took the flowers from them and hugged them one by one. I place the flowers on the desk and left the stylist finish their work before I can get into my costume. Its not really a costume, its just a dress I have to wear.

It was a long navy silky dress that wrapped around my body and hugged my curves. From the waist down, it was ruffled and lost. It had gems belt design around my waist, chest area to shoulder. My hair was parted up and the other was waved.

I dont like dresses. I have to wear heels and I'm afraid I'm going to break my neck. This isn't my usual attire and something like this should be at a MAMA or Showcases and awards. Well this is an award.. oh well.

"You look really pretty, nuna." I smiled at Jungkook. I felt my face heat up. I dont take compliment very well, and knowing my own problems and issues. Its good to receive them.

"Thanks." I looked myself in the mirror and took a selfie and posted it on social media with captions that I was MC tonight.

"On stage in 5 minutes." Someone knocked on the door and shouted. I took deep breaths repeating what I have to say in my head. I felt someone nudge me. I look and saw it was Jin. He gave me big thumbs up.

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