[12] Lunch

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Its been acouple days and BTS had finally gotten the choreography down-

"Namjoon! Jin! Wrong footing!" Chachi shouted over the music. Minjin laughed and stopped the music and restarted it. They were breathing heavily and groaning in pain.

"My feet hurt Noona~!" Taehyung whined. Chachi sucked on air through her teeth having no sense of mercy.

"Thats a price of being a dancer. You all can take a break," they all smiled and cheered. "After Jin and Namjoon or better yet all of you get through the song once more." Chachi finished off and smirked at how all their faces fell. She capped her hands again stood in front of the mirror watching them. "Again." She demanded.

Minjin pressed play as the audio played from the beginning. Jungkook standing in the middle and doing his choreography part correctly and the other 6 members doing the same thing after their signal came.

She nodded her head with the beat played loudly through the speaker. She was proud that they got their footing of the beat correctly. She knew how hard it was to the boys and how hard they work just to get here. They stood in a triangle and lean to the music showing Namjoon in the middle as his part started.

Chachi got off the mirror and walked towards the side so they could see themselves dance. She crossed her arms as she watched their foot placed in the right place. She was satisfied on how Namjoon didn't mess up yet.

They all were in perfect formation as the music sang faster. She watched their faces through the mirror as it was all serious and focused. They could clearly feel the tension in the air of wanting a break. Well also how hot and stuffy it was in the room.

The pre-chorus came on and Chachi held her breath as Jimin was in the front 'singing' his long high notes as the 6 members did the difficult mini dance in the back. This part was the hardest to teach to them. Especially with 2 inexperience dancers who kept messing up the line and order.

They successfully completed that part. They all planted themselves on the correct 7 member formation as the chorus starts. Beside Chachi, Minjin was itching to dance along with them. The beat was just to tempting for him it anyone who knows the choreography to dance.

But now that Chachi and sit back and relax as her 'pupils' dance she could actually listen to the song. The lyrics spoke to her as it triggered memories that made her shudder. An unpleasant feeling crawled up her spin, and she had to assure herself that shes okay and that everything would be okay because of her memory.

As she was trapped in her thoughts they finally finished the dance. Minjin was snapping his fingers in her face.

"Cece-ah~ are you alright?" Chachi shook her head and leaned her head back from his hand. She nodded.

"Ah, mianhae, ne, I'm okay." He nodded his head and went to congratulate the guys on how far they got. For a trainee under her command, hes learning faster than her students at 1 million.

And that scared her.

"Say, Cece-ah, can we take a break now?" Hoseok asked. Chachi looked at him and nodded. She leaned off the wall and walked to her laptop and stopped the music from replaying. She closed the tab and opened her email checking if she got anything from her manger or students.


She logged off her laptop and store it back inside it's galaxy case. She places it in her backpack. She dusted off her black leggings and walked to the group of guys.

"Good job guys, you actually didn't mess up." She looked up as she thought back to the dance. "Well, not really. We need more work." They nodded.

"This choreography is really hard. How can you make something like that?" Jungkook asked swallowing his water and wiping away the sweat on his forehead. She shrugged.

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