[10] New Start

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~Chachi's POV~

I laid cuddling up in my warm blanket wide awake. I dont even know what time was it. All I know was the unhealthy looking sky and the sound if heavy pouring rain pound against my window.

Usually I love to listen to rain fall and how peaceful it was, but today was different. A loud crackling sound roared near my room. I squeaked and hugged the blanket tighter bringing it to cover my ears. I closed my eyes and silently prayed for the thunder and rain storm to stop. My whole body was shaking. I bit my trembling lip counting in my head.

My counting was cut off with another boom sound that was distance but very loud to me. I curled up into a semi circle still hugging the blanket tightly. 'Chachi, your 21 years old, your okay, your fine.' I reassured myself. I breathed in and out slowly closing my eyes trying to block out the noise.

'Maybe I should take it to calm myself down. But then I have to get water and thats in the kitchen.' I sighed. I slowly unraveled myself from the duvet, picked up my glasses, and quickly walked to my connected bathroom to get my pills. I walked towards my door and opened it quietly and peeked out looking to my right making sure know was there. My room was located in the far left of the hallway. May I add its the last room in the hallway.

The hallway was dark from the gloomy weather outside. I walked softly past the other 2 rooms and walked down the bent stairs. The thud sound if the pouring rain, pounding against the roof and windows echoed through the whole house, making it look like a haunted house. I walked past the door way to the kitchen and living room. I opened the fridge and grabbed a water bottle. I exhaled trying to control my shaking body. I opened the container and shakes it to make 2 pills fall into my palms. I popped that into my mouth, hitting the back of my throat.

I twisted the cap off the bottle and drank it feeling myself cool down from the heat of being frightened. My nerves had calmed down. Just as I thought the storm had stopped because if its quietness, a huge crackling, thump, and roar came from the God Heavens making me scream dropping the water bottle and crouching down to the floor covering my ears and squeezing my eyes tight.

'Its a storm. Its a storm. Its a storm. Im safe.' I kept repeating over and over in my head but it wasnt helping. 'IM GOING TO DIE!' I screamed in my head.

"Chachi-ah!" I heard my name being chorused my someone.

"Chachi-ah, aigoo are you alright?" I felt hands on my shoulder and back surrounding me.

"Chachi-ah, were here, your okay. Hey can you hear me?" I blinked thrice then looked up. My glasses were covered in tear droplets so my vision wasnt that clear. I sniffed and looked left and right to see my 2 roommates.

I removed my hands and sat up taller moving my hair away from my face, and took off my glasses to clean them. "I-Im fi-ine." I stuttered and whipped my eyes. "Ugh, I-Im such a loser." I sniffed.

"Aniyo, aniyo, aniyo, theres nothing wrong of being afraid if thunder storms Cece-ah." Krystal said rubbing my back.

"Yeah, many people have this fear. You have a reas-"

"Sica-unni." Krystal hushed her. I cracked a smile and whipped my nose and put my glasses on again.

"Its okay guys." I said standing up shaking a little. "Sorry I woke you." I dusted off my hands and butt looking at them both. Jessica shook her head.

"You didnt. Its about 5 in the morning. Usually I wake up this early." I sighed slightly relaxing myself again.

"Now, Chachi-ah, are you sure your alright?" Krystal asked me again. I looked at her giving her a small ghost smile and nod once. She smiled then hugged me one last time. I cleaned up the mess I made on the ground. Krystal and Jessics went back up to their room to change or continue to sleep. I soon followed them, place the container on my desk and sat on my bed. The time was 5:23 am. I opened my laptop signing in then opened my schools classes. I looked at each teacher and their assignments for me.

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