[16] Gift

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I yawned stretching in bed as I looked out the window. The sun was shining through my window lightening up my room a bit. I sighed while stretching one more time before rolling off the bed. I sat up and stepped onto the carpet area of my floor and walked to my connected bathroom.

I washed up, tied my hair into a high pony tail and placed my glasses on my face. I grabbed my phone off the night stand checking if I had any emails or text messages. I got emails from Uni saying that my essay was due in 3 days and how I have a test next week. I sighed rubbing the back of my neck and pulling the color of my maroon shirt so it wasn't that tight around my neck.

The time was 7:35 and thats enough time to do laundry, finish my essay, before heading off to the recording studio to hear what the boys got. I walked into my bathroom once more and open the cabinet.

I grabbed the orange capsule and hearing nothing from the bottle made my eyes widened. I shook it and opened it to find it empty. I place that on the counter top and took out another prescription bottle. This one only had 1 left but it's different from the main container I had. "Damn it." I groaned. I place the bottles back in the cabinet after taking the pill out.

I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs. I dialed Young-bae's number hoping he'll pick up. He didn't answer. I groaned.

I grabbed a cup, filled it with water, and took that one pill. It's alright to miss one day of not taking medication right? I texted Young-bae saying that I need a refill on both of my med bottles.

"Morning Cece." I looked to the kitchen doorway and saw Jessica entering. I greeted her back. "Put on some pants." I lifted up my shirt to show her my shorts. She sighed and I smiled.

"We have a washing and drying machine here right?" I asked her walking into the living room.

"Ne." She answered.

"Okay." I place my phone on the dining table and walked upstairs to grab my notebook and textbooks and my laundry. I walked back downstairs and down towards the basement. I put my clothes in with the detergent and started washing it under hot water.

I walked back upstairs and into the dining room where I saw Jessica and Krystal in the kitchen. It seemed like they changed there subjected when I cross the threshold of the dining room and living room.

"Good morning!" Krystal said smiling at me and grabbed a water bottle. I nodded at her and sat in the chair and started looking up at my unfinished essay.

I pushed up my glasses and played music from my phone to keep my self focus. I don't have ADHD or anything but I focus more with music.

Ad I finished up my essay, Krystal and Jessica seemed a little...off today. If you can say that. Whenever I was in deep thought and on a roll while writing, they find a way to just break my concentration.

Krystal asked me weird questions about the past choreography I've done. She played them on her laptop, and especially the ones I've done with Exo.

"Whats your point here?" I asked tapping my eraser on the table. For the longest time I knew her she didn't like to watch stuff like this.

"Molla, I just find it cool how you move so smoothly." She awed in one of my older videos. I raised an eyebrow at her but shook it off.

Jessica on the other hand was asking deeper question that I knew she knows the answer too. I didn't answer some of the questions she asked about Exo. I...just don't care about them.

Once one left they gave me a few minutes alone then the other one comes and bother me. I'm not sure if its a sister thing.

"Ce-ah," Jessica place a plate if cute mini bite size sandwiches in front if me. I finished writing my last word and sighed. I looked at her through the top of my glasses, pushed them up and gave her my attention.

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