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She shot up, sitting upright, breathing heavily & sweating a lot. Emma was used to having nightmares but none as vivid or horrifying as the one she just experienced. She pushed off the bed cover trying not to wake Killian who was sound asleep beside her, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and walked over to the window ledge and sat down. She grabbed a pillow, buried her head into it and started to cry as quietly as she could.

Killian started to stir and moved his arm to wrap around Emma but the bed space next to him was empty, his eyes shot open as he looked over to a shadow perched near the window. He frowned and made his way over to Emma who still had her head buried in the pillow she was clutching to.

Emma heard footsteps coming towards her, she quickly wiped away her falling tears and turned her head to face Killian who was walking over to her. He sat down beside her, wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into a hug, he knew she had been crying he could read her like a book as much as she tried to hide it.
"Emma, love what happened?" He asked her, his voice calming her almost instantly.
"Just a stupid nightmare" she responded her voice barely a whisper as her head was buried into the crook of his neck.
"You should try and get back to sleep, remember I'm always right beside you so just grab my hand if anything happens, and if you can't sleep then I will stay awake with you" He said as he unwrapped himself from her and lead her back to bed.
As Emma got back into bed Killian slid into the sheets beside her, wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close. She could feel his chest rise and fall against her back and she began to relax into him his slow, calm breathing almost like a lullaby.
A few minutes had passed, Killian lifted his head from his pillow to check on Emma who was peacefully sleeping. He felt more relaxed now that he knew Emma was ok, he felt his eyes get heavy as he slowly drifted off to sleep for tomorrow was another day in hell.

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