Perfect Imperfections

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This is a bit of a emotional one guys I hope it doesn't hurt too much..

Emma lie awake in bed staring at the ceiling, she was never one for falling straight to sleep once she got into bed Killian on the other hand was out of it, he had his back to her and she couldn't help but notice the fair amount of scars he had. She shuffled a little closer being careful not to move to much and ever so slightly traced the scars with the tip of her index finger, she frowned getting caught up in the thought of Killian being lashed and beaten several times wether it be on the deck of a ship or by Hades in the underworld and it made her angry and sad, she moved the duvet down a little further and noticed the larger scar in his side from Excalibur.

She couldn't bring herself to touch this scar, she had put it there, she caused him harm and the mere thought of that broke her heart, tears started to form in her eyes and she choked back a sob and that's when Killian turned to her.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" She asked, her voice barely a whisper as she wiped the tears from her cheek.

Killian shook his head "I was never asleep in the first place" his voice sounding a little wobbly as his emotions got the better of him, it pained him to see Emma blame herself for his own actions, he pulled her close to him "please Emma stop blaming yourself, it wasn't your fault" he whispered into her hair.

That's when Emma succumbed to her emotions and cried into his chest "but it was, it was my fault, I made you the dark one when you told me to let you go.. I should have listened and I blame myself every day for what happened to you, it should have been me" she sniffed.

Killian sighed tears now streaming down his face too "Emma, I forgive you for what you did, if you didn't turn me into the dark one we wouldn't be where we are right now, together. Someone once told me that no matter how many times people tell you to forgive yourself, you have to do it on your own, please Emma don't dwell on what happened in past and look ahead"

Emma knew he was right and she knew it was going to take time to forgive herself for what she did, she looked up at him and wiped the tears from his eyes and cupped his cheek "I promise you, nothing can separate us again because we will always find each other" she smiled slightly.

"Stealing your parents line are we Swan?" Killian asked chuckling.

"Finding each other must run in the family" Emma said snuggling back into Killian's warm chest.

Killian enveloped her in his arms and soon after he fell asleep but Emma still lie awake thinking about her visions and what that could mean for her future as well as her family, she couldn't leave Killian she promised, Emma was going to overcome these visions no matter how hard it was going to be. Emma shook herself from her thoughts and relaxed into Killian's warm embrace and fell asleep as peacefully as she could.

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