12 Days Of CSmas: Day 2

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Snow Storm:

Emma opened the curtains to blinding white light, she let her eyes adjust and saw that Storybrooke was under a blanket of snow, well.. maybe a little more than a blanket it was a complete blizzard out there, lucky for her Henry was at Regina's so Emma wouldn't be pestered about going outside every five minutes.

Emma flicked her wrist and lit the fire in the bedroom and slithered back into bed next to Killian "well looks like we aren't leaving the house today" she said as she leaned her head against his chest.

He pulled her against him "you know what we could do today?" He raised a eyebrow but she completely ignored his insinuation.

"We could finally put up the Christmas decorations" Emma said happily.

"Not what I meant but as you wish" Killian said with a sigh.

"Hmm thank you!" Emma said kissing him softly on the lips and dragging him out of bed with her.

They both got dressed and Emma managed to persuade Killian to go into the attic and drag down all the Christmas decorations, they put up the tree and Killian pulled out a bundled up pile of fairy lights.

"Uh swan?" He held up the lights.

Emma just rolled her eyes and undid the lights using her magic, Killian then picked up some mistletoe from the box "what's this for love?" He asked.

Emma looked up from hanging the decorations on the tree and gave him a smile "you really don't know what mistletoe is for?"

Killian shook his head "if you remember I'm not familiar with this realms traditions" he smiled "so.. what is it?" He asked once again.

Emma smirked at him, wrapped her arms around his neck and brought her lips to his, he immediately responded to her actions and moved his lips against hers.

Emma pulled back and her eyes fluttered open "that... is what mistletoe is for" she went to go back to decorating but Killian wouldn't let her go "Killian what are you doing?" She asked.

He looked at her with almost predatory eyes, he pulled her into a hug and buried his face in to her neck and began pressing light, tender kisses on her pulse point.

"Mmmh.. we.. need.. to decorate" Emma managed to whisper.

Killian chuckled into her neck and the vibrations sent shivers down her spine "you could just flick your wrist and this could all be finished love" he mumbled against her skin.

She pulled him away from her neck "hmm that's not a bad idea actually" she closed her eyes and focused on how she wanted the decorations to look, flicked her wrist and everything came to life.

The decorations were hung and the house looked beautiful "looks wonderful Swan.. now where were we" Killian pulled her close and kissed her, she moaned into his mouth as he gained entrance with his tongue.

Emma started giggling and he pulled back "what's so funny?" He asked giving her quite a serious look.

Emma was still giggling, then she opened the collar at the back of his shirt and stuck a handful of cold snow down his back, Killian yelped "JESUS SWAN! Where the bloody hell did you get snow?"

"I have magic you idiot" she laughed.

He frowned at her then gave her a mischievous smile "right.." he lifted her over his shoulder and carried her to the front door.

"Killian w-what are you doing?" She asked.

Killian opened the door and walked out into the snow "ready love?"

"No! No don't you da- AHH" Emma kicked against his grip but Killian threw her into a pile of snow "I hhhate you" she shivered.

Killian just stood there laughing at her "no you don't you lovvvveee me" he smiled.

Emma managed to scramble to her feet and tackled Killian into the snow "oi that's not fair" he exclaimed, Emma made a snow ball in her hand and smushed it into his hair and giggled.

"Really swan? You're so childish" he smirked and the proceeded to flick more snow over her.

"God that's so cold, we need to go inside or we'll get hypothermia" Emma said.

"I agree, I think a hot chocolate is in order" Killian said standing up and helping Emma up with him.

They both walked back into the house shivering "right swan take that jacket off" Emma raised her eyebrow at Killian.

"Y-you're just trying to get me naked" Emma stuttered.

"As much as I'd love that swan I believe a wet leather jacket won't be good for your health" he said peeling her jacket off of her "now go and get into your pyjamas and into bed and I'll bring up some hot chocolate in a moment"

Emma smiled at him softly and gave him a peck on the lips "mmh you're the best"

"I know" Killian said with a smirk.

After Emma had got comfy in bed Killian appeared in the doorway with two mugs of hot chocolate with whipped cream and cinnamon, he gave one to Emma and placed his on the bedside table on his side and started to get undressed.

Killian slid into bed beside her and she tangled her legs between his and he flinched "your feet are frozen"

Emma gave him a look "yeah well if someone hadn't thrown me in the snow they wouldn't be would they" she said poking him in the chest.

"Yeah but.. it was good fun wasn't it?" He asked as he finished off his hot chocolate and placed the mug back on the bedside table, he then took Emma's mug from her and placed it next to his. By the time he turned around Emma was fast asleep and curled up in the duvet, Killian smiled and leaned down to pick up a small neatly wrapped box and placed it on her bedside table then snuggled down into the crook of her neck and soon followed her to dreamland.

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