Loving You Again

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So the end has come! Thank you to everyone who read along with this I've enjoyed every moment and I hope you have too, I'll be uploading a prologue to this asap and I'm already thinking of new multi chap ideas! Enjoy this last chapter of Loving You Again.

Final Chapter:
Emma woke the next morning feeling so anxious that she thought she was going to throw up so she had to run to the bath room, she took a deep breath as she clutched at the sink and looked at herself in the mirror, she brushed her teeth and decided to take a shower seeing as she never got the chance to last night after her and Killian's activities.

Killian moved his hand over to Emma's side of the bed but it was empty, he shot up his eyes wide until he noticed the sound of the shower running and he relaxed, he pulled the covers off of himself and decided to join Emma in the shower.

Emma had her back to the door of the shower and was so caught up in thought she didn't realise Killian had jumped in with her until he lightly traced his fingertips over her shoulder and she jumped "Jesus.. you scared me" she said as she turned to face him.

"What's wrong?" Killian asked stepping closer to her and moving wet hair from her face.

Emma shook her head trying to hide her emotions "nothing.." she whispered forcing a smile.

"Emma..." Killian sighed "please talk to me"

"It's....nothing don't worry" Emma replied grabbing the soap and washing herself, due to loosing her memories it's like Emma had reformed back to her old self around Killian.

They both got out of the shower and Emma went to walk out the door before Killian grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him "you know you don't have to put up your walls Emma, we may have only known each other for a few days in your head but in mine we've-"

"Known each other for years, yes I know.." Emma said cutting him off "look I'm just scared okay."

Killian's brow furrowed "about what love?"

"Well what if...what if it doesn't work and I'm stuck in an eternal sleep for god knows how long.." Emma sighed.

Killian looked her in the eye "Emma.. do you love me?"

Emma snapped her head up to look at him "what? Of course i do!"

"Then there's no problem, it'll be fine" Killian smiled and squeezed her hand.

Once they had both got dressed and had breakfast Regina had called them to tell them to meet her at her vault, as they walked down the street hand in hand Emma was becoming more and more nervous as they got closer to the vault, Killian noticed as she seemed to squeeze his hand tighter with every step they took.

As they approached the vault Killian leaned in closer to her "everything will be fine" he whispered.

Emma took a deep breath "I know, now let's just get it over with" she said dragging them both into the vault.

When they entered Regina, Snow and David were all waiting, Emma noticed that Regina had set up a small bed for her "you ready?" Regina asked picking up the needle.

Emma nodded "as I'll ever be" she sat down on the bed and Regina handed her the needle.

Snow and David approached her "no matter what happens know that we love you Emma" Snow said kissing the top of her head.

"I love you guys too" Emma replied squeezing her mothers hand.

Killian knelt down beside her "ready?" He asked.

Emma nodded and brought the needle up to her finger and pierced her skin with it, she immediately fell back but Killian caught her and laid her down softly.

"Well here goes" he whispered as he stood over her and lowered his lips to hers and then...nothing. It didn't work.

"Wh-what happened? Why didn't it work?" David asked.

"I don't bloody know!" Killian said getting up from Emma's side and storming out.

Regina turned to Snow "why don't you try?" She said.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt" Snow walked over to Emma and placed a small kiss on her forehead and the room burst with magic, Emma fluttered her eyes open, surprised to see her mother looming over her instead of Killian.

"Where's Killian?" She asked swiftly standing up from the bed.

"He's outside, don't you think you should just sit down for a minute" said Regina.

"No, no I have to see him" Emma ran up the stairs and out of the vault, she found Killian sat under one of the trees taking swigs from his flask, he had his back to her so he didn't see her.

"Hey... could I steal some of that" came a voice from behind him, he quickly stood up and turned around.

"Emma.." he ran to her and pulled her into a tight hug "what.. how are you awake?"

"Mom did it but that doesn't matter" she sighed "why didn't it work for us? I was so sure it would"

Killian shook his head as he buried it further into her neck "I don't know" he whispered.

Emma pulled back from him and cupped his face in her hands "don't you dare for one minute think that this means I don't love you because I do more than anything"

Killian smiled "I love you Emma Swan" he said pulling her towards him and covering her lips with his, he felt a wave of something flow through him and he felt as if he was lifted off of the ground for a moment.

"Did you feel that too?" Emma asked as she pulled back, Killian nodded.

"Congrats you just had your first true loves kiss" came a voice from behind them, it was Snow she stood there smiling like an idiot with David and Regina beside her.

"So, why didn't it work before?" Emma asked turning to Regina.

"It might have been because of the memory loss? But who knows" Regina replied.

"We should celebrate, you guys coming?" David asked.

"As weird as this sounds I feel drained after today could we do it tomorrow?" Emma smiled wrapping her arm around Killian's waist.

"Alright well, see you tomorrow" Snow and David hugged their daughter and headed home.

Emma and Killian walked down the road arm in arm back towards their house, Emma felt Killian's hand squeeze her side "missed me?" Emma asked.

Killian opened the door to their house and pressed Emma up against it "you have no idea"

Emma dragged him to her lips but before it could get out of hand Killian pulled back "hey, what's wrong?" She asked.

"There's just something I need to do, stay here and don't move ok?" Killian kissed her cheek before running upstairs.

A few minutes later Killian returned with something that he was hiding behind his back but before Emma could ask what it was he was down on one knee in front of her "Emma, we've been through so much together, we've battled through darkness and been to hell and back... literally and I never want to be separated from you again, I want you to be mine forever and if you'll have me I'm hoping you want me forever" he opened the velvet box to reveal a beautiful engagement ring "Emma Swan, will you marry me?"

Emma let out a watery laugh "of course I will!"

Killian slipped the ring onto her finger and stood up to pull her into a kiss "how long have you been planning to do that?" Emma asked.

"If you can believe it, I brought that ring after our first date" Killian smiled at her.

Emma raised her eyebrows "You were so sure we'd stay together?"

Killian nodded "of course and look at us now" he lifted her hand with the ring on to his lips and placed a soft kiss onto her knuckles.

"I love you Emma Swan and no curse or villain is going to stand in the way of us again, I promise" that promise was one Killian intended to keep for as long as they both should live.

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