The Early Hours

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This is a daddy!Killian one shot I've been wanting to write one for a while and I've finally thought of something. Enjoy!

He couldn't sleep as hard as he tried he just couldn't, kept awake by the nightmares that still haunted him. Killian was used to having nightmares he'd had them most of his life anyway but for some reason tonight they were at their worst and he had no idea why. He sighed and ran his hand through his messy hair, he then turned to face Emma who was sound asleep, a smirk crept upon his face even though he was jealous she was able to sleep he loved seeing her so peaceful.

He let out another big sigh then pushed back the bed covers and wandered out the door and down the hallway towards his daughters room. He leaned over Rose's crib watching her chest rise and fall with every breath she took, just watching her seemed to make him relax a lot more. Killian carefully slid his hands underneath the sleeping infant and lifted her into his arms, she didn't seem to stir when he sat in the big rocking chair in the corner of her room and slowly began rocking them both back and forth. It reminded him of the waves beneath his ship that used to sway him to sleep long ago, he felt instantly at ease and his mind was clear.

After swaying for several minutes Killian felt his eyelids start to get heavy until he heard a creaking behind the door and his eyes shot open again his expression becoming more alert but he relaxed once more when Emma tiptoed into the room rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
"Hey, I wondered where you got to" Emma whispered crawling onto Killian's lap alongside her daughter.
"Sorry if I worried you love, I just couldn't sleep is all" He said leaning his head against Emma's shoulder and wrapping his arm around her to bring her close. Emma turned to look at him, he was staring down at Rose who was still peacefully sleeping and she knew he felt uneasy about something.
"Nightmares again?" She asked, this time it was Killian's turn to face her.
"How did you know?" He asked
"Because you always come in here and rock Rose in this rocking chair, while she's asleep and doesn't need seeing to I always find you both fast asleep in this chair" Emma explained.
"She makes me feel at peace and so does the chair, it reminds me of the waves that used to rock my ship as silly as it may sound it helps me sleep" Killian said pulling Rose closer to him.
Emma lifted her head from his shoulder and he turned to look at her, she moved a stray piece of hair from his face and kissed him lightly on the lips "it doesn't sound silly at all" she said with a smile.
They sat there for a few moments gently rocking and occasionally exchanging kisses between themselves and planting some on the top of Rose's head, Emma turned to look at the small clock on the wall it was 1:30 in the morning and both her and Killian were trying not to fall asleep. Emma stood from Killian's lap and pulled him up with her "I think we should head back to bed don't you?" She said, Killian nodded and placed Rose back in her crib and placed a light kiss on the tip of her button nose.

Emma grabbed his hand and pulled him back to their room and they both got back into bed. Killian turned to face her and brought his hand up to play with her hair, Emma sighed and leaned into his touch closing her eyes. After a while Emma's breathing became laboured and shallow, Killian realised she was asleep and removed his hand from her hair and slid his arms round her waist.
"I love you" he whispered to her before falling sound asleep.

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