Loving You Again

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Chapter 8:

Emma woke the next morning bright and early, she decided to take one of her favourite Disney movies to Killian's and it happened to be quite romantic not that, that matters. Rapunzel in tangled reminded her a lot of herself so that's the film she decided to take.

She walked down Main Street towards Killian's house, trying to wrap her coat around her a little more as the cold winter air hit her, she reached the house and hurried up to the front door and rung the door bell.

Killian opened the door in nothing but plaid pyjama bottoms, his hair was messy and sticking up in all different directions and he looked incredibly tired "Swan, can I help you?" He asked yawning slightly.

"We're spending the day together, remember?" Emma said.

"Oh of course, apologies love I didn't sleep well last night. Please come in, it's freezing out there" he said gesturing for her to enter.

"I can come back later if you want?" Emma asked hovering near the door.

"No, it's fine really" Killian caught eye of the DVD cover in her hands "it seems you brought us something to watch" he said walking over and holding out his hand.

Emma handed the film over to him "its one of my favourites, I thought we could make some popcorn, grab a few blankets and give it a watch seeing as it's so cold outside"

Killian eyed the cover "tangled huh? I haven't seen this one. Well I'll go and put something a bit more civilised on, the popcorn is in that top cupboard" he said before running upstairs.

Emma walked over to the cupboard and grabbed the popcorn packet, she placed it in the microwave and left it to heat up. She then made her way to the living room and grabbed a few of the blankets from the back of the couch and placed them on the floor in front of the tv, she kicked off her shoes and hung up her jacket before walking into the kitchen and pouring the finished popcorn into a glass bowl.

Killian returned downstairs to find Emma waiting for him in the living room, she patted the blanked next to her for him to sit down "ready?" She asked leaning back again the front of the couch.

"Of course" Killian said leaning back with her.

They were about half way through the film and Killian seemed to be enjoying himself, the scene with lanterns was one of Emma's favourite scenes and one of the most romantic in her eyes, she shuffled a little closer to Killian who wrapped his arm around her.

"Mmh you're warm" she said snuggling into him.

Killian didn't answer her he just tilted her chin up and kissed her softly "sorry, I just haven't stopped thinking about you since yesterday" he said pulling back.

Emma smiled softly "is that why you haven't slept?" She asked.

Killian sighed "I've hardly slept since your accident, going from having you next to me when I wake every morning to then being alone is taking its toll on me, I blame myself for all of this"

"Hey" Emma placed her hands on his face "it's not your fault, I promise" she smiled and kissed him lightly on the lips, Killian pulled her onto his lap and deepened the kiss. 

At this point the movie was being completely ignored as the two of them made out "Killian" Emma breathed against his mouth as she pulled back "I can't stay the night again, people will talk" 

Killian moved his mouth down to her neck "let them" he said nipping on the skin making her flinch slightly then making his way back up to her lips.

"How is it we've known each other a mere few days yet when you kiss me it's like I've known you my whole life?" She said looking into his deep blue eyes and threading a hand through her hair.

"Well love in your head you've known me a few days but we've actually been together for a few years now" Killian said tilting his head.

"Ugh.." Emma put her head on Killian's shoulder "I hate this I want to remember, maybe I should go and see gold"

Killian shook his head "no Emma no, he can't be trusted"

"Well how else are we going to get my memories back"

"Let's talk to Regina first I trust her more than gold and that's saying something" Killian said. 

Emma nodded "good idea.. well I better get home it's getting late" she said standing up.

Killian groaned and stood up with her "do you have to?" He pulled her closer.

"Yes, I can't go home in the same clothes again" Emma said pulling away, throwing on her jacket and making her way to the door.

Killian pushed her against it and brought his face closer to hers "are you sure?" He asked kissing her passionately.

Emma kissed back "if.. this.. is your way of.. persuading me...its working" Emma said between kisses "but seriously I need to go"

Killian sighed "fine"

"Hey don't pout at me! I'll see you tomorrow" Emma said kissing him once more before leaving.

Emma had another dream that night, this time her and Killian were somewhere underground, there was a pedestal in front of them with weights one had her heart in and Killian was in front of her surrounded by flames, she saved him before taking her heart and she heard him say "it's true love" then the dream stopped.

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