Admiring The Horizon

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I just sort of came up with this sorry if it's a bit short but it is 1am.

Emma reached for the brace that was strapped to his arm and began to unbuckle the straps, he grabbed her wrist to stop her and looked up.
"What are doing?" Killian asked giving her a stern look while doing the straps back up.
"It's okay you don't have to hide anything" Emma said calmly.
"Swan... I'm j-just not ready yet" he said lowering his hooked arm. Emma grabbed it before he could lower them to his side.
"It'll be fine Killian" she said reaching for the buckles again.
Once again Killian grabbed her wrist "did you not listen? You of all people should know how I feel about this!!" He said frowning his tone of voice becoming irritated.
"I just-"
"Save it Emma" Killian said cutting her off then storming out the house.

He made his way to the docks the one place he felt calm in this upside down town, the one place he would always feel truly at home. He walked to the end of the long pier that stretched out into the bay and sat down, his legs dangling just above the water. He then reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out his flask of rum hearing Emma's voice in the back of his head saying "is rum your solution to everything?" He laughed a little to himself knowing that it most definitely was.

After a few hours he noticed the sun starting to set along the horizon and he'd never seen anything so beautiful except Emma of course but the sunset was a close second. He then heard footsteps approaching him, they stopped when they reached him but he didn't turn around he just focused on the horizon.
"May I join you?" Said a familiar voice from behind him.
"Of course love" he replied still not turning to face her.
Emma plonked herself down next to him and leaned into him "look... I'm sorry about earlier I don't know what came over me I-"
But Killian cut her off "you dont need to apologise love it should be me, I shouldn't have stormed out like that I took the coward way by walking away"
She placed her hand on his cheek forcing him to look at her "I'm sorry, you can show me in your own time" she said looking him dead in the eyes.
He smiled "well I guess we're even now" he said winking at her.
"Shut up" Emma said pulling him towards her and kissing him passionately.

They say on the pier watching the sunset and exchanging kisses until it was dark and starting to get cold.
"I think we should head home" Emma said standing up and bringing Killian with her, he nodded in agreement, they walked together happily as Emma held onto his hook the whole walk home.

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