Another life

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Another AU based on the preview for 6x10 but instead of Regina going after Emma to the enchanted forest Killian goes instead, I really hope you guys enjoy this.

Chapter 1:

Killian awoke in a flower field of all places he grumbled and hauled himself off of the ground, a twig snapped behind him and he quickly ducked behind a tree and what he saw before him completely took his breath away.

Emma was gracefully swaying through the field while holding a bright yellow flower, she was dressed from head to toe in a flowing pink dress she wore elegant white gloves and was holding a basket full of various flowers, this was definitely not the Emma that Killian knew but she was beautiful none the less.

Killian came out from behind the tree "Emma?" He said as he approached her.

His voice startled her and she fell backwards but Killian managed to catch her just before she could fall and she looked up at him her emerald green eyes sparkling almost as if she knew who he was.

"You alright love?" He asked her softly.

She regained her balanced and brushed herself down "quite alright you just startled me is all, thank you" she said in a rather regal voice.

Killian cleared his throat "I hope you don't mind my asking but could you tell me where I am?" He asked.

Emma looked slightly taken aback by his question and looked at him as if he were crazy "the enchanted forest of course" she replied gesturing her hands at their surroundings and giving Killian a warm smile.

"Right.. now Emma I-"

"H-how do you know my name? We've never met.." Emma cut him off looking at him almost terrified.

The look on her face broke his heart as well as her words but he held it together, he needed to get her home.

"I never introduced myself, Killian Jones at your service your majesty" he kissed the back of her hand and gave her a flirty smile.

Emma blushed "please call me Emma seeing as you already know my name which I'd very much like to discuss with you" she said.

"Perhaps we should go somewhere more private, you never know who could be listening" Killian said looking around cautiously.

Emma nodded "let's go back to the castle it's safe there"

Killian held out his arm for her "lead the way milady" he said as Emma looped her arm through his and they made their way to her castle.
They approached the castle gates and the guards stopped them but Emma just nodded at them and let them both past.

Emma entered the throne room first with Killian trailing behind he always felt so out of place around royalty so he kept to himself, he approached snow and charming who seemed to have aged a fair amount, Snow had grey hair and David had fairly noticeable lines on his face.

"Emma you seem to have brought home a stranger" said her father.

"Killian Jones your majesties" Killian announced as he knelt before them.

"Pleasure to meet you" Snow said to him.

"I believe Killian is from another land and has no where to stay, is he able to stay with us?" Emma asked her parents.

Killian snapped his head to look at her "I wouldn't want to be a burden your majesties"

"Nonsense, stay as long as you need" said Snow softly.

"Thank you your highness" Killian said as he gave Snow a polite smile.

Emma got up from her throne and walked towards him "follow me I'll show you to a room" she smiled at him.

Killian swore that every time that woman smiled he fell further in love with her but this version of her had no idea how he felt and he knew he had to keep it that way no matter how much it hurt so he returned the smile and followed her out of the throne room and down the hall.

Emma opened the door to his room, it had a huge four poster bed with a high ceiling and a big log fireplace which was lit and it gave the room a nice cosy feeling, Killian walked over to the bed and sat down and a sadness washed over him that he couldn't shake, he missed home and he missed his Emma.

Emma sat beside him and placed a hand on his arm "are you alright? You seem sad" she said a hint of concern in her voice.

He gave her a sad smile "I'm fine love don't you worry about me"

She shook her head "I want to be worried, ever since we met I feel like i know you or should know you in some way. I'm drawn to you and every time you look at me I get butterflies in the pit of my stomach and I don't know why... can I tell you something?"

"Of course love you can tell me anything" Killian smiles at her reassuringly.

"I've been having these visions but it's not me I mean it is but not as I am now, I'm sword fighting with a hooded figure and you're there with my mother and father and my son and then.." her breath hitches slightly at the painful memory "the hooded figure runs me through with the sword it's holding. How can you be there we've only just met I don't understand?!" Tears were welling up in Emma's eyes as she became more and more frustrated.

Killian laced his fingers through hers and Emma zoned out for a minute then pulled back breathing heavily with wide eyes "what happened love?" Killian asked her.

"I-I had another vision but it wasn't the same one, it was you, me and Henry in a house, we were eating breakfast like any normal family would, we were.. happy" Emma looked him in the eyes "what's going on?" She whispered.

Killian sighed "look Emma you probably aren't going to believe me and I really don't expect you to, but I'm from another world one where we are together and we have a good life, the life you're living now is a lie we have a family and a home and.." he moved closer to her "I miss you"

Emma looked at him almost intrigued by what he just admitted to her "what's it like in this other world?" She asked.

They spoke for hours about Storybrooke, their family and friends, their house. Emma was surprised at the fact she shared her son with Regina, the same Regina who was the evil queen in her current world. Killian told her stories of the adventures they had together and some that he had on the Jolly Roger in his pirating day until she fell sound asleep against his chest occasionally flinching in her dream state.

When Killian awoke the next morning the space next to him was empty, he sighed and decided to change into more fitting attire seeing as it's looked like he would be stuck in the enchanted forest for a while, he needed to make Emma believe whatever it takes.

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