Loving You Again

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Well here we go chapter two, I'm really enjoying this story so far and I hope you guys are too!

Chapter 2:
Killian was sat in the waiting room staring blankly at the wall, 'this is your fault' he said over and over in his head. The door to Emma's room opened and snow walked out, Killian immediately shot out of his chair "how is she? Is she ok? What happened?" He rambled.

Snow gave him a sad smile "it's ok she's fine but-"

"I have to see her" Killian said cutting her off and rushing into her room.

As soon as he entered Killian ran straight to Emma and gave her a hug, she went stiff as board "oh god Emma I'm so glad you're safe, I am so sorry love" Killian whispered into her hair.

Emma managed to pull herself out of his embrace and gave him an awkward smile
"Uh thanks? You must be Killian right?"

Killian smiled and tilted his head slightly "w-why are you looking at me like I'm some stranger?"

Emma shrugged "well you are.." she said.

Killian looked at David and back to Emma "is this a joke?" He asked.

David just avoided eye contact while Killian slumped into a chair. After a few minutes of painful silence Whale walked through the door with Emma's papers "well everything looks to be fine except-"

"Memory loss" Killian piped up

"Exactly" Whale nodded

"So how come she remembers everyone else but not me?" Killian asked.

Whale shrugged "Honestly I don't know"

"YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE A DOCTOR! HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW?!" Killian shouted getting up out of his chair and kicking it across the room, he looked at Emma and the look on her face was pure fear and he hadn't seen that look in a very long time, he huffed and stormed out of the hospital room.

David, Snow and Emma winced as the door slammed behind him "can someone please explain who that man was?" Emma asked sounding a little frustrated.

David looked at Snow "you talk to her and I'll go and talk to him" he said getting up out of his chair and walking out the door.

Killian had managed to storm all the way home, he opened the door, slammed it behind him and leaned against it. Henry popped his head out from the kitchen and rushed over to him "where's mom? Is she ok?" He asked.

Killian looked up at him "she's fine Henry, she just had a small accident"

Henry folded his arms "so what's got you so riled up?"

Killian walked over to the kitchen and sat down in one of the chairs at the table and sighed "she doesn't remember me or anything about me or us" he explained.

Henry rolled his eyes "so what you're just going to sit around here and sulk?"

"Of course not" Killian frowned.

"Well then.." Henry smiled and walked over to his bag and pulled out the storybook "make her remember"

Killian chuckled "thanks lad, I hope this works"

Henry nodded "hope is all we need"

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