You, Me And Handcuffs

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Chapter 3

The next morning Emma is up bright and early, she's at the station before anyone else or at least that's what she thought until Killian almost bumps into her.

"Oh sorry.. you're here early" Killian looks over the pile of papers he's holding.

"I could say the same about you, so what do I do?" Emma asked hanging up her coat.

"Uh we don't have a desk for you yet so I set one up in my office, follow me" Killian walks into his rather large office.

"Whoa! Are you like the boss or something?" Emma says as she looks around.

Killian places the papers down on his desk "yeah I am.. is that okay?"

Emma's eyes widen "oh! I didn't even realise..."

Killian shrugs "it's alright, you couldn't have known" just then his mobile phone rings and he excused himself.

Emma walks over to her desk that's next to his and sits down, she feels a little nervous as she looks around, spotting a picture on Killian's desk of a woman with long brunette hair and striking blue eyes much like his, just as she's about to pick it up to get a closer look he walks back into the office.

"Sorry, it was my sister" he says as he sits down at his desk.

Emma nods towards the picture "is that her?"

Killian nods "yeah she's back in England, we make sure to keep in contact"

"That's sweet" Emma smiles at him "what's her name?"


"Pretty name for a pretty girl" Emma smiles as she sits back in her chair.

Killian laughs slightly "if she were here she would blush furiously at that comment"

Emma grins "so boss, any cases for me?"

Killian pulls out a case file from the pile of papers "actually yes but I'll be accompanying you, you know just in case"

"I can handle myself Killian.."

"And I don't doubt that but this is your first case, I'm just there to help" Killian smiles at her and grabs some patrol car keys, throwing them onto her desk.

She raises an eyebrow at him "you're letting me drive?"

"Of course, unless you can't drive?" Killian questioned.

Emma avoids his gaze "I-I never got round to learning"

"That's easily fixed, I can teach you!" Killian smiles and grabs the keys.

"You'd do that for me?" Emma looks up at him.

"Well.. it'll have to be out of work hours but sure"

Emma jumps up out of her chair and hugs him, taking him by surprise "thank you!" She mutters against him.

Killian smiles to himself "you're welcome, right we should get going" he pulls away, not noticing that his cheeks are a little flushed which made Emma giggle to herself.

"Of course boss, lead the way" she gestures her hands to the door.

Killian grabs his police jacket and heads out the back where all the patrol cars are lined up, he jumps into the first one and Emma gets into the passenger side.

"So.. where are we going?" Emma asks flicking through the file in her lap.

"What does the file say?" Killian pulls out of the station and onto the main road.

Emma flicks through the file again "not much, just that this guy hangs around the east side of the city"

"Then that's where we're going, stay vigilant though" Killian says as he keeps his eyes on the road.

Emma kept looking around, hoping they wouldn't run into trouble but those hopes soon faded when she heard a loud popping noise and something hitting the back of the patrol car.

Killian started swerving "Emma, get in the back of the car and onto the floor now!" He shouted as he turned on the sirens.

"What?! What's going on?!" Emma started to panic a little bit.

Killian reached over and undid her seat belt "do it now!" He shouted again and Emma quickly scrambled into the back of the patrol car, curling into a ball on the floor, before she could once again ask what was happening she saw Killian hanging out the window, shooting his handgun at whoever was chasing them.

"Killian I want to help!" She said, looking up at him through the gap between his chair and the door.

"You can't, you're not ready for this" he said between driving and shooting and their pursuers.

Emma looked around and found a fully loaded pistol under the passenger seat, she quickly pulled it out and undid the window, leaning out and shooting at the black car behind them.

"Emma! What the hell are you doing?!" Killian yelled at her.

Emma didn't take her eyes off the car "just shut up and get us away from them, I'll try and slow them down" at that point she aimed her gun at one of the black cars tires and shot it, it immediately burst and Killian sped away.

Emma got back into the car, breathing heavily "who the hell was that?!"

Killian sped back into the police station parking lot and shuts off the engine "what did I tell you?" He asked, sounding a little annoyed.

"Hey! I saved your ass back there.. but please don't thank me" Emma scoffed and got out the car, walking back towards the station.

Killian got out after her "and what if something happened to you?!"

Emma turned on her heel to face him "I can handle myself, I don't need some cop looking out for me especially if it's you!" She checks the time on her phone "I'm clocking off for the day" she turns back around and gets into her car, driving off and leaving Killian alone.

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