Loving You Again

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Chapter 3:

Emma had stayed at her parents house that night but she found it hard to sleep, it just felt like part of her was missing but she couldn't place it.

She woke up to the smell of fresh coffee and bacon, her eyes fluttered open to see her mother placing a cup of coffee on her bedside table "oh I'm sorry did I wake you?" Snow asked.

Emma stretched "no, its ok. Thanks for the coffee" she said grabbing the cup and taking a sip.

Snow cleared her throat "so uh Killian called"

Emma looked up from her cup "what did he say?" She asked.

"He's coming over to see you in a few minutes, so I suggest you get dressed" Snow smiled and walked out of Emma's room.

Emma threw back her bed covers and walked over to her wardrobe and grabbed a pair of jeans and a nice cosy jumper, she made her way downstairs to grab some breakfast.

"Hey sleepyhead, how did you sleep?" David asked from the kitchen stove.

"Awful but I'll live" replied Emma while grabbing a plate and some pancakes "where's Henry?" She asked.

"Oh he's at Regina's he thought he'd give you and Killian some time alone together" Snow said.

Emma sighed "ok"

"What's wrong?" David asked

Emma frowned "I don't know but I feel like I'm going to throw up"

Snow looked at David and smiled "nervous?" Snow questioned.

"Why would I be nervous? I don't even know the guy, but it does feel like nerves." Emma said looking down to her lap.

"Hey" Snow grabbed her hand "you'll be fine, he's a really good guy Emma. Remember what I told you, he loves you a lot" she smiled.

"Right.." Emma nodded.

Emma helped clear up breakfast and grabbed another cup of coffee, as she sat down on the couch there was a knock at the door, Emma got up and answered the door "hey" she said as she saw Killian standing in front of her holding some sort of book.

"Hello love, may I come in?" He asked.

"Uh yeah of course" Emma said gesturing for him to enter.

"Me and David are heading out so we'll leave you guys to it" Snow said brushing past Emma to leave the apartment.

"Ok see you guys later" Emma replied shutting the door behind them, the butterflies in her stomach were getting worse... yup she was definitely nervous.

Emma cleared her throat "so uh have a seat.. can I get you anything?" She asked Killian while fiddling with her nails.

He smiled "no I'm fine" he walked over and grabbed her hand "there's no need to be nervous Swan"

"I'm-I'm not nervous" Emma said avoiding eye contact.

"Yes you are, you always play with your nails when you're nervous" Killian observed "cmon I want to show you something" he said dragging her over to the couch and sitting down.

"I'm guessing it has something to do with that book you've got there" Emma giggled.

That giggle made Killian's heart skip a beat and he wanted to kiss her there and then but he held back, he didn't want to scare her off "you would be correct love" he smiled and opened the book but skipped ahead a few pages.

Emma frowned "what are you doing? Are we not going from the start?" She questioned.

Killian shook his head "no, I'm showing you a special page" he stopped at a page that showed what looked like him and Emma in a ballroom dancing.

Emma pointed at the picture "Is that... us?"

"Aye" Killian said giving her a sad smile.

Emma looked into his eyes and could see how sad he was, she lifted her hand to rest on his face and he leaned into her touch and kissed her wrist, Emma blinked and realised what was happening and moved her hand away "I'm sorry.."

Killian grabbed her hand and kissed it "no, it's ok... let's get back to the book"

Killian started to tell Emma about the story of when they went back to the enchanted forest, about how they helped snow and charming fall in love all over again "so I got to watch my parents fall in love again?" Emma interrupted, her eyes becoming a little cloudy from tears.

"Yes and you had the exact same reaction" Killian said as he wiped a falling tear from her cheek.

Emma's eyes went wide and she gasped "Emma? What's- you remembered something didn't you?! What was it?" Killian started bombarding her with all these questions and it all got a bit too much.

"You have to go" she whispered.

Killian sighed "Emma please.."

"No" Emma scrambled off of the couch and opened the door "please just.. leave"

Killian got up and walked to the door but turned to her before he left "I will get you back Emma, I won't stop trying" he said before walking out the door and leaving her alone.

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