Loving You Again

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Ah guys it's the second to last chapter and well things get sexayyyyy!!

Chapter 9:

Killian met Emma in Grannies for breakfast the next day before they went to talk to Regina, Emma had hardly touched her food.

"You ok?" Killian asked trying to get her to look at him.

"I'm fine." Emma said looking down to her lap.

Killian frowned and moved over to her side of the booth and slid in next to her, he put his arm around her waist and pulled Emma close "what's wrong Emma? Something is bothering you"

Emma leaned her head on his shoulder "what if it doesn't work? Or what if something goes wrong?" She sighed.

"This is Regina we're talking about love, her magic is as good as any... well better than gold anyway"

Emma managed a small smiled and nodded in agreement, Killian laced their fingers together "shall we go?"

Emma took a deep breath "let's get this over with"

They had spend countless hours in Regina's vault sorting potion after potion, Killian paced in the hallway as Regina did what she could to help Emma but nothing seemed to be working.

Regina slammed a book shut "why isn't it working? I don't understand" she threw the book down onto a rather huge stack of others.

Killian was getting frustrated "well there must be something? Did you miss anything?"

Regina turned him with her arms folded "me? Miss anything?" She laughed "you've got to be kidding, I've tried everything but nothing is working pirate!"

Emma just sat on one of the old trunks completely zoned out, Killian looked over at her "Emma?"

Her head snapped up, tears falling from her eyes "yeah..." she answered wiping them away.

"I'll give you two a minute" Regina said walking out of the vault.

Killian sat down beside her and pressed a kiss to her temple "I'm sorry" he whispered into her hair.

Emma pulled him into a hug and buried her face in his neck as tears began to fall again "its not your fault" she said as she pulled back.

Before Killian could argue back Regina ran in and started going through the drawers "I've thought of something" she turned to look at them "but it's risky and you might not like it"

Emma and Killian stood up "well.. what is it?" Emma asked.

Regina turned to them and placed a needle on the table in front of them, Killian's eyes went wide "no, no it's too dangerous"

Emma picked up the needle "what is it?"

Regina raised an eyebrow at Killian "you wanna tell her? Or shall I?"

Killian turned to Emma "once you prick yourself with that needle you're put into a sleeping curse that can only be broken with-"

"True loves kiss" Emma said cutting him off.

Killian nodded "and this is our only option?" He asked Regina.

"Well right now I don't really see any other way out..." they all exchanged grim looks "look you don't have to do this immediately, maybe sleep on it and get back to me when you've thought about it call me tomorrow and we'll get this over with, Emma maybe talk to your parents about it too they know sleeping curses all too well" Regina said before starting to pack up all the stuff that had been left out from the potion making earlier.

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