Go Back To Sleep

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Jade could hear something. She tried to block it out, pretend she couldn't hear it and just go back to sleep. But the sound became slowly clearer as her sleep escaped her. She felt the empty space beside her that was once filled by a small redheaded girl. The sound became gentle sniffles and quiet sobs coming from the window.


She slowly opened her eyes to the dimly lit bedroom and allowed them a moment to adjust to the darkness. She slowly, silently rose from the bed letting Cat's pink sheets fall away from her.

"Cat? What is it now? You better have a good reason for waking me up."

Cat turned to Jade with a pathetic look on her face. Her eyes were visibly puffy even in the dim light.

"I... sorry Jade. I really tried to be quiet. But I..."
Cat broke off into gentle sobs again.

Jade rolled her eyes and sighed loudly. She looked at the clock across the room. 3am.

"God, it is too late for this... or early. Whatever."

"Alright, fine. What happened?" Jade asked, realising that she was going to have to calm Cat down before she could even think about sleeping again.

"I had a nightmare. It was awful, Jade." Cat whimpered softly.

Jade stifled an eye roll, deciding it was better to just humour her and get this over with.

"Really? Tell me about it. What was the nightmare about?"

Jade braced herself for a longwinded, convoluted and ridiculous explanation. Her dreams were usually pretty stupid, like that one time she got mad at Robbie because he let little kids eat her in a dream.

"Well..." She took a breath and wiped her eyes before continuing.
"You, me, Tori, Robbie, Beck and Andre were all together at some concert. We all got separated and agreed to meet outside at the end. You and I stuck together and when we got out..."

She seemed to be struggling and Jade was actually beginning to worry. This already didn't sound like her usual nightmares. Jade placed a comforting hand on Cat's shoulder.

"It's alright. Keep going." Jade whispered.

"The others didn't show up. We waited and waited and pretty soon most of the people were gone. Then these huge guys came up to us and started saying stuff to us. One of them kept touching me and that made you mad."

Jade balled her fists tightly as she listened, getting mad at some guys in a dream. Cat's voice was shaking and the tears were starting to form again.

"You told them to back off. Actually you were yelling and swearing at them. You told me to run and then they started hitting you. I ran like you said but I could hear them hitting you and I turned and saw you on the ground and heard you yelling and I..."

Cat broke off again, the tears coming full force. She threw her arms around Jade and buried her face into the taller girl's neck, sobbing violently.

Jade could only sit there, her arms hanging limp at her sides. Sometimes Cat was a nightmare but she was still Jade's best friend and seeing her like this hurt. Eventually Jade snaked her arms around Cat's waist and pulled the redhead into a tighter hug.

"Cat. It's alright. I'm okay, see?"
Jade whispered pulling back to get Cat to look her in the eyes.

"Jade you don't understand. When I came back you were just lying there. You were covered in blood and you weren't moving. I tried to get you to wake up, I kept saying, begging you 'please don't be dead. Please don't be dead Jade.' ... but you were."

Jade sighed gently and pulled Cat back in, stroking her hair as she cried.

They allowed for a few minutes to pass. Cat's sobs eventually died away and the room was silent, except for their breathing. Jade held Cat tightly the whole time and Cat nuzzled into Jade's neck.

"Alright, kitty cat. You should try to get back to sleep, it's late."

Cat looked frightened for a second but agreed.

"Can you sing to me so I fall asleep?" She asked sweetly.

"No." Jade answered immediately.




"Fine!" Jade sighed, lifting Cat and carrying her over to the bed. She placed the redhead carefully into the space beside her own and threw the blanket over her.

"Jade. You'll still be here when I wake up, right?" Cat looked up at Jade with pleading eyes.

"Yes, Cat. And I'm not even going to think about sleeping until you are fast asleep." Jade replied as Cat took her hand.

Cat settled and Jade thought about what to sing her. Eventually she decided and began to sing in a low, gentle tone.

"Heart beats fast.
Colors and promises.
How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?
But watching you stand alone,
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow.

One step closer."

Jade felt Cat's grip on her hand loosen, indicating that the girl had finally fallen asleep. Jade tucked a few stray hairs behind Cat's ears and slipped in beside her, adjusting the blanket so they were both properly covered.

"I have died every day waiting for you.
Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more."

And with that, Jade slipped away, and both girls slept soundly.

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