35 - Sweater Weather

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Sweater Weather

(A/N: I'm making naming one shots after songs a bit of a habit. Shout out to The Neighbourhood for being amazing and making music that sounds like my adolescent soul. Also I've just realised that on April 15th it'll be 2 years since I started publishing these one shots!!)

The sun was out in full force, but it wasn't the horrible sticky humid kind of heat, it was just comfortably warm.

    "You know we haven't been on holiday since our honeymoon to England," Dean commented as Cas finally chose a spot on the beach. Dean laid out the blanket he'd carried across town and threw down the picnic bag. Castiel perched on the edge of the blanket his eyes watching the people around him - students on lunch break, surfers, indie photographers, sunburnt tourists, a business meeting; people you'd only find on a beach in California. Dean noticed his husband's distraction and stretched forward to pull Cas back, laying down while bringing Cas with him, who tucked himself into Dean's side. "We really needed a break." Dean breathed into Cas' wind-ruffled hair.

    It was so wonderful to just relax into the slow paced Californian life style for a while. Wearing flip flops and eating in Cuban restaurants wasn't the kind of thing you did while on hunts. Dean, who was warm and full of good food, soon fell asleep. Castiel carefully wiggled out of his husbands arms and sat up, it was a relief to see his other half so stress-free. He knew Dean would be out for a while, when he slept he slept deeply and soundly. He decided to take a walk along to the beach to hunt for shells. This took an hour and when he returned to the blanket Dean was exactly the way Castiel had left him. Cas settled back on the blanket and rummaged around in their picnic bag for suncream; it wasn't going to do Dean's skin any good being out in the midday sun like this without protection. Castiel straddled Dean and started massaging suncream into his face and upper body, making sure every inch was covered correctly.

    At some point Dean started rousing from his sleep, Castiel clearly hadn't been gentle enough with his suncream application. The hunter broke into an ear to ear grin as soon as he became aware of his surroundings,

    "What a way to wake up!" He chortled, stifling his great amusement at Castiel's innocence. The angel locked eyes with Dean and soon flushed a deep red in realisation.

    "I'm sorry, Dean, that was so inappropriate of me." Castiel was too embarrassed to look around at the people around them, who were no doubt judging the couple. Dean grabbed Cas' waist and pulled him down to lay by his side again.

    "It's okay, baby, we can come back to that later." Throwing a wink down at Cas, who blushed again but giggled all the same.

    A while later Castiel remembered the bucket of sea shells he'd collected. He sat up and pulled the bucket within reach and begun placing them in patterns along Dean's legs and arms. His husband held perfectly still while Castiel worked, watching his angel's face in all its intent, concentration-filled beauty. Yes, they definitely needed this holiday.

(A/N: I love making references to previous one shots *cries in fourth wall* *cries because adorable husband's* ahhhhhh also look at me being a good writer and updating regularly :D)

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