19 - Angeles

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(A/N: I told you, I told you I would base a one shot on Jensen's other song 'Angeles'! Warning: Fluffy character death – you'll see what I mean. There's a few spoilers from season 7 or 8.)

"Castiel, do it! Kill him now!" Naomi ordered. Castiel let out a cry of anguish as he plunged the angel blade through Dean's chest. The hunters eyes widened in shock and his hand fell to the silver dagger sticking out of his chest. Dean smiled devilishly though.

"We can be together now." Castiel whispered as Dean fell forward into the angels arms.

"Finally," Dean breathed, cupping Cas' face in his palm as his legs gave out from under him. "I'll see you up there honey." Cas didn't even feel sad as Dean let out a breath and didn't take another. The angel dropped the lifeless body, yanked out the angel blade, wiping it off on Dean's t-shirt before disappearing.

Dean was waiting in Castiel's previous favourite part of heaven, before he killed loads of angels here, when Cas appeared back in heaven. The hunter grinned, happy for the first time in a long time. Dean was stuck in heaven now which meant that Castiel was too. He had nobody to look out for on Earth; Bobby was in heaven, somewhere, and Cas had killed Sam before he killed Dean. They just needed to find everyone but first Castiel wanted to take Dean for a trip.

"I want to show you something." Dean nodded, stroking his thumb over the back of Cas' hand comfortingly.

Dean looked around at the vast, barren white room. "I come here when I...when I have low self esteem." Dean frowned, not seeing the significance, yet Dean knew there must be one if Cas was struggling to speak properly with his voice so full of emotion.

"What happened here?" he breathed, giving his angel a puzzled look.

"This is where I was trained to kill you." Dean shuddered, the memory of his death felt a little bit numb and fuzzy, he touched his free hand to where Cas had stabbed him. "You can imagine it didn't look as pristine when there were thousands of dead Dean's scattered across the floor, crippled from varying degrees of brutality." Cas had followed his order to kill Dean, he had left out the part about spending forever in heaven together. Dean ran his hand through Castiel's hair, thankfully snapping him out of his memories. He was looking forward to the day when he could forget everything he had done to his brothers and sisters, and Sam and Dean. Cas shuddered and turned to Dean, smiling in anticipation of where they were going next.

"Where to now?" Dean asked but before he could even finish the word 'now', he was stood somewhere different.

"Somewhere nice." Cas mused, sighing in relief. He never wanted to go back to that part of heaven ever again. Dean grinned at Cas, pleased to see the aged wooden walls of the Roadhouse.

"Is Ash in?" Castiel nodded,

"Ash!?" he called. There were a few crashes before Ash peered over the top of the bar, clearly still a drunk.

"Oh, hey Dean, hows it hanging?" Dean smiled, glad to see his old friend, even feeling a little bit sentimental.

"Good. And you?" the hunter replied politely.

"Still dead but rocking heaven a little bit at a time." Ash was Ash and nothing would ever change that, not even dying.

"Atta boy." they laughed together, "Is Ellen and Jo here?"

"Naw, they went out a couple hours ago, it can get damn boring being dead. Should be back soon though. Drink?" Dean nodded, at least he could eat and drink in heaven without ever feeling the pain of hunger or thirst. Ash threw the bottle over the counter, surprising Dean but he still managed to catch it. Another bottle was then flung as Cas who also caught his but held it at arms length.

"Come on, dude, do you really still consider that sin after everything we've done?" they smirked at each other in mutual amusement before Cas popped the top off of the bottle with his bare hands.

"Can I do that now?" Dean asked, slightly amazed how strong his angel was.

"You are still just a soul, Dean." Dean nodded, remembering the talk Cas gave him about the difference between angels and humans. There were many things angels could do that Cas hadn't exhibited before.

"Hey Cassy." a girls voice called from behind them. Dean spun around to face Jo, Ellen...and Sam. "Guess who we found wandering around like a lost puppy." Ellen explained. Sam grumbled something along the lines of "I am not a puppy."

"Yeah, very convincing." Jo said, ruffling his hair. Sam narrowed his eyes at her back but snapped out of it when a bottle came flying through the air at him, he caught his too, it must be the hunters reflexes.

"Ash, man, you gotta stop doing that." Jo commented, looking down at Ash from her position perched on top of the bar, talking down at Ash who was down on the floor behind said bar again. Dean heard him faintly agreeing, probably not caring right now. The hunter looked over at his younger brother and then his angel before smiling at nothing in particular, he might be dead but he was happier than he'd ever been before.

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