2 - Crazy Love

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Crazy Love

(A/N: This was inspired by: A song by Jensen Ackles and Steve Carlson called Crazy Love. And if your reading Supernatural fanfiction but haven't been serenaded by Jensen yet then WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU and go ahead and Youtube it before reading this or listen to it while reading it. He's got two songs with Steve Carlson, the other is Called Angeles [which is angel in Spanish {Coincidence, I think not}] and both are really worth listening to!)

Dean and Cas were meandering down the main street of the town they had just saved from a demon overtake hand in hand. There was a gentle breeze caressing their skin and blue sky stretched above them. A shop they passed with a window full of jazzy looking guitars of different shapes, sizes and colours, displayed as such to draw in the innocent passers-by, had caught Dean's attention,

“Hold up, this is something I've always wanted to do.” Castiel gave Dean a confused look which used to be his default facial expression before Dean taught Cas that there were other emotions the angel could display on his face. Dean didn't offer any elaboration to his outburst though and towed Castiel into the guitar shop and started eyeing up the acoustic guitars.

Dean dropped Cas' hand to toy around with the instruments, trying to find the right one. He picked one up and a smile spread on his face. Dean sat back on the ripped couch and started plucking on the strings, making sure they were turned flawlessly before running his fingers over all of the strings and having them sing in harmony, letting him know the guitar was reading to be played.

Dean picked up a discarded plectrum from the arm of the couch and started playing a melody of chords. He looked up at Cas after he finished one riff and beckoned him over to sit next to him on the couch.

“Cas, do you remember when Sam and I got sent to the set of some TV show about our lives?” Castiel nodded, “Well, the guy who played me was called Jensen Ackles. I Goggled his name when we got back and...well...” Dean blushed, suddenly losing some of his confidence as he looked around at the customers and shop assistants “This is what I found.” he looked into Cas' eyes and found the courage he needed to started playing the melody again.

Dean played the riff twice and then started singing the lyrics he had learned back when he realised what he really felt for Cas.

I can feel his heartbeat from a thousand miles

And the heavens open every time he smiles

I'm runnin' to him coz that's where I belong

I'm runnin' to him like a river song

He give me love love love love crazy love

He give me love love love love crazy love

He got a fine sense of humour when I'm feelin' down

And I'm runnin' to him when the sun goes down

He takes away my trouble

He takes away my grief

He takes away my heartache and I go right to sleep

He give me love love love love crazy love

He give me love love love love crazy love

Yes I need him in the day time

And yes I need him through the night

Yes I want to throw my arms around him

Kiss him hug him and I kiss and hug him tight

When I'm returnin' from a long day

He give me some sweet lovin' it brightens up my day

It makes me righteous and yes it makes me whole

It makes me mellow right down to my soul

He give me love love love love crazy love

He give me love love love love crazy love

He give me love love love love crazy love

He give me love love love love crazy love

When Dean finished singing he played one last riff of the melody, then rested his hands over the strings to stop them humming and looked up at Cas who was beaming, his eyes lit up and sparkling with unshed tears. Those who were in the shop or who had walked in the shop while Dean was playing his song were cheering and whistling.

One of the shop assistants approached Dean and complimented his guitar playing,

“Dude, you're really good.” he told him, sounding generally impressed. Dean didn't care though, the only opinion that mattered was that of the blue eyed angel sat next to him.

Said angel was in shock. No one had ever serenaded Castiel before and he wasn't sure how to react. Cas could feel the hot tears brimming in his eyes, but they didn't spill over because if he had learnt anything in his time on Earth it was how to control his emotions in public.

“Dean, that was beautiful. I'm not sure how it is customary to react though.” Dean chuckled and gave Cas a gentle kiss on the lips, rewarding him with a blush from his favourite angel.

“You don't need to react, Cas. I can see everything I need in your eyes.” at this Cas' blush deepened and he lifted his hands to cover his eyes, worried that there was something wrong with them. Dean pulled them down and gave Cas another kiss before putting the guitar back on its stand and taking Castiel's hand in his own again to guide him out of the shop to resume their day of shopping.

(A/N: I cried by the way. Expect a one shot about Jensen's other song 'Angeles' in the near future because the song title is too convenient not to.)

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