13 - Heartbreak Hotel

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Heartbreak Hotel

(A/N: This is inspired by: Heartbreak Hotel by Elvis.)

The woman behind the desk looked up as the shadow fell across her, dropping her magazine on the floor when she spotted Castiel looming over the desk. He tried to make himself look less threatening but did not quite know how.

“Hi there, welcome to the Heartbreak Hotel. One king?” she rushed out, her voice lost all the friendliness it usually carried.

“I am not a king but I need to find someone and I am sure they came here.” he replied, confused but impatient.

“I'm afraid we can't give away customer information-” Castiel fished in his inside pocket and flashing the FBI badge at her. He almost lost his composture as he thought about everything he had said to Dean. “Who were you looking for? I can look them up on the system for you.” Castiel attempted to smile at her suddenly forced politeness.

“He would have checked in about 3 hours ago?” The women stared at her screen for a while before recognition flashed in her eyes.

“That was our last customer....a Dean Winchester?” Castiel frowned, Dean never checked into hotels using his real name. Castiel closed his eyes, composing himself before smiling and nodding at the woman. “He's in room 23.”

“Thank you for your compliance.” Castiel paused before something came to him “How many people are checked in tonight?”

“Only him.” Castiel nodded and made towards the door with the sign 'Rooms 1-30' above it.

Castiel could hear which room Dean was in before he could see it; 1950's Rock and Roll blasted from the room which was not practical considering it was very late. Castiel translocated into room 23 and looked around. Dean was laid out on the bed in the middle of the wall to Castiel's right and on his right was a bright, multicoloured jukebox playing the offending music. Castiel went over to the machine, turning down the volume before going to the side of Dean's bed and watching him as he slept. He looked so peaceful when he slept and he was amazed that a human could sleep through such a level of noise.

Castiel felt...regret for the things he had said to Dean before Dean left. He still felt angry though so was not as gentle as he wanted to be as he brushed his fingers through Dean's hair, trying to wake him gently. Dean stirred and looked into Cas' eyes before remembering their fight. He pushed Cas' hand away and shifted to the other side of the bed, getting off and pacing.

“How did you find me?” he asked emotionlessly.

“It is not like you did not want to be found, Dean, when you checked in under your real name.” Castiel accused, Dean gave him a remorseful look.

“Why did you find me, then?” he snapped, still bitter.

“Dean, I am sorry. The things I said were spiteful and unnecessary-”

“But they were the truth. I trust you Cas to tell me when I'm doing something wrong, just like I do for you. We don't have normal lives, we aren't always expected to get along with life normally but don't bottle it up ever again because I can't take it.” Cas strode forward and cupped Dean's cheek.

“I know, I am sorry. I did not mean half of what I say, I lost control and it will not happen again.” he kissed Dean, as if that was going to make it any better, as if it would make Dean forget what Cas said.

“You're all I have now, Cas.” Dean didn't get a reply, Castiel kept kissing him and Dean let him because he needed to make up for lost time, and for lost love.

(A/N: This was meant to be a really angsty one shot but it turned into a frankly crap one shot. Sorry about that. GUYS, I need ideas! I've run out and so stuff like this ^ happen, please comment or message me ideas so I can keep writing for you.)

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