14 - Purple Haze

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Purple Haze

(A/N: This is inspired by: My home country, good old Blighty. It's raining as I write this and before I wrote this I was watching the BBC News as I drank tea...it doesn't get more British than that folks.)

“What do you want to do today, Dean?” Castiel asks, snuggling into Dean's side.

“Stay here with you.” Dean's muffled voice replies, his face buried in Castiel's hair.

“We should not waste such a lovely day,” he quips, “I think we should go for a walk at least.” England was known for its beautiful scenery.

“Five more minutes, yeah?” Castiel doesn't reply, he simply presses his face into Dean's chest and mumbles 'mmm'.


Two hours later the two men were up and wondering across an expansive field towards a heavily wooded area. Cas clutched onto Dean's hand, their body heats combining as they leaned into each other. The chilly wind nipped at their noses and their coats were zipped up over the many layers of jumpers.

“Isn't it meant to be spring?” Dean joked as the clouds shed their load. They quickened their pace towards the covering of the trees. Cas gasped when they broke through to the woods; their eyes scanning over the purple haze carpeting the forest floor. They had seen the thickets of bluebells as they drove through the country lanes to get to the bed and breakfast they were staying in for their honeymoon but they hadn't realised that there were going to be as many as they were seeing.

“Dean, would you take some pictures so we can show Sam when we get back?” Castiel asked as he handed Dean the camera, not really giving his husband a choice. Cas traipsed carefully through the bluebells trying not to stand on them but having no choice but to do just that. He perched on a fallen tree so that Dean could take some pictures.

When they had taken enough pictures to drown in they strolled through the woods, coming round in a circle to stand at the opening of the woods looking at the path back to their B&B but it was still pouring down.

“You know, it's sunny in Spain right now.” Dean jokes again, resulting in a punch in the arm from Cas for bringing up the fight they had had about where they were going to go for their honeymoon. “Are we going to make a run for it or wait it out?”

(A/N: Just for clarification they would have had to make a run for it and if I had carried on writing this particular one shot there would have been smut.)(By the way, if you find any errors please tell me.)

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