9 - Avengers Assemble

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Avengers Assemble

(A/N: Probably some Season 8/9 spoilers but nothing major so don't feel like you can't read it if you haven't watched them. It's not like you don't already know from Tumblr! This was inspired by: The Avengers, and movie marathons with my sister and her boyfriend. They're fun and I love watching films I haven't seen before. I recently watched the Matrix Trilogy. Awesome and well worth watching if you haven't already. Anyhow, I hope you don't hate me for making you wait for an update but I've gone back to college so there are going to be gaps between updates now. Sorry.)

“Dean, you can stop apologising. I have forgiven you.” Dean did not look convinced though, refusing to believe that he could be forgiven for turning Castiel away when he needed Dean more than he ever had.

“Whatever, man. Is there anything you want to do now that you're human?” Dean asked, trying to be considerate.

“I believe you are breaching your 'no chick flick moments' rule,” Dean rolled his eyes and gave a light chuckle before turning serious, plastering Castiel with a questioning gaze. “I just want to relax. I have heaven on my...ass.” Dean looked amused at Cas' choice of words but nodded.

“That is do-able,” he strolled into the library expecting Castiel to follow him like he always did, guiding him to a small bookshelf in the library that Dean had filled with DVD's; new and old. Castiel stared at it not knowing what Dean's intent was.. “Pick one.” Dean suggested causing Cas to reach out and pluck a DVD from eye level unimaginatively. Dean snatched it from Cas and glanced at it. “Good choice though.” he smiled at Cas and strolled back out of the library to the TV room.

When Castiel found Dean he was sat on the floor in front of the over sized television fiddling around with one of the machines resulting in the big screen lighting up with the DVD menu.

“Take a seat.” Castiel turned to face the item of furnishing which was both a bed and a couch before perching on the edge. Dean made himself comfortable and then looked at Cas who was almost falling off the end of the bed because he was sat so awkwardly. “Dude, get comfy.” Dean instructed but continued to lean forward and pull Cas back by snaking his arms around the angels waist and pulled him back to lean against the wall causing him to squeal uncharacteristically.

Dean took too long unwinding his arms from around Cas' waist and cleared his throat uncomfortably when Cas looked at him questioningly.

*Shoot to Thrill by AC/DC plays and Natasha Romanov is taken by surprise as the computer tells her its been hacked before a familiar voice speaks. “Miss me?” Iron Man rockets into the scene to join Captain America in fighting against Loki*

“Iron Man has a damn good taste in music.” Dean comments at the scene unfolds. Castiel does not feel the need to reply, as he is too engrossed in the film, leaning forward in anticipation. Dean notices and smiles to himself, watching the reflection of the film in Castiel's eyes who feels Dean's stare but ignores it until the credits, after which he turns and stares back at Dean. Castiel has never understood how humans stare at other humans but when they are being stared at it makes them very uncomfortable, like how he knows he makes Dean feel whenever he stares at him. Dean licks his lips and looks up at the ceiling, resting his head against the wall.

“That was relaxing and...entertaining. I can understand why humans watch them so frequently now, you can almost loose yourself in the lives of the characters.” Castiel comments trying to stop the uncomfortable feeling in the air, his comment only makes Dean look over at him in wonder though.

“How about another then?” Castiel groans but obediently follows Dean to the library to pick out another film.

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