8 - Sightless

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(A/N: I'm so sorry. That's all I can say. Warning: Angst and cuteness and FEELS! This is something I wanted to put into my original book but I can put it in both without them being too similar. Good luck.)(It's a bit fluffy at the end so you'll cry and then you'll fangirl.)

Dean sheltered his face as the dust settled. When he opened his eyes to find the room filling with smoke. He couldn't see Cas anywhere and started to panic,

“Cas! Cas, where are you?” A faint coughing from across the room reached Dean's ears and he scrambled through the debry towards his ex-angel. Castiel was leant against the wall with his eyes roaming everywhere but never quite focussing on anything.

“Dean,” he breathed, his throat clogged with dust “Dean? I cannot see you the lights have gone out. Where are you Dean?” he called after clearing his throat. Dean felt moisture filling the bottom of his eyes, blurring his vision until he wiped away stray tears.

“Cas, I'm right here. It's daylight, Cas.” Dean looked back into Castiel's eyes and knew what had happened.

“Dean, I cannot see. The lights must have gone out.” The angel stated matter-of-factly, as if he was determined not to be wrong. Dean leaned forward until their noses were touching, putting on his torch for good measure.

“Can you see me now, Cas? I put on the torch and I'm right in front of you.” Dean rested one of his hands against crumbling wall Cas was propped up on to support himself.

“Yes, I can feel your face, Dean, but it's still dark.” More tears dripped out of Dean's eyes and he closed them momentarily trying to fight his emotions so that when he spoke his voice wouldn't shake so he could act as if nothing was wrong. “Oh,” Cas breathed breaking the silence “I can remember the explosion now. We didn't get out did we, Dean?” it was a rhetorical question but Dean shook his head, their noses rubbing together.

“Oh, Castiel, you should have stayed outside,” Dean breathed, not needing to talk any louder when they were so close together. Cas reached out his hands, which were cut and grazed by flying debry. Dean was sure that once he was cleaned up Cas was going to be covered in cuts and bruises from being so close to the grenade when it went off. Cas' hands found purchase on Dean's face, running his fingers over his facial features no longer allowing Dean to hide the moisture clinging to his cheeks. “I should get you to a hospital.” Dean mused, pulled out of Castiel's hand so that he could shed another onslaught of silent tears without Cas knowing.

Dean leaned down and scooped Cas up, putting an arm under his back and his other under his knees. Cas wrapped his arms around Dean's neck and buried his face there. Why not, it wasn't like he could see anything anyway?

“It's going to be okay. Are you in pain?” Castiel shook his head, his hair tickling against Dean's face. The hunter kicked open the door to outside and tucked Cas into the passenger seat, belting him in and scanning him for further injury. When Dean couldn't find any he got into the drivers seat and drove Castiel to the nearest hospital.

When Dean was allowed into the hospital room Cas had been taken into he almost broke down again. The angel was bundled in layers of blankets, his heart monitor bleeping steadily but a long line of stitches down his arm and a bandage wrapped around his head covering his beautiful blue eyes showed Dean that his angel was not going steady.

“Dean, is that you?” Cas called out, lifting his head slightly at the sound of Dean's approach. Dean wondered momentarily how Cas could tell it was him just from the sound of his footsteps.

“Yeah, it's me. I'm here.” Dean told Cas, taking a seat on the edge of his bed and clutching his hand firmly giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Oh, Castiel, why did I take you with me? Why did I let you convince me? I could rest in peace knowing you were safe at home with Sam but instead I put you in the firing line and I-I'm so s-sorry.” Dean put his forehead on Cas' chest letting himself shed the tears that had been building up in the hours he had to wait outside as they stitched Cas up.

Castiel tried to sit up to comfort him but Dean put a hand behind the angels head, guiding him back to lying down. Dean kissed Cas softly but when he pulled away the angel came with him, refusing to let go. Dean kissed back, putting his hands behind Castiel's head to support him not ready to deny Cas anything, not when he had put him through this.

“Dean, do not blame yourself for what happened to me. It was inevitable, now that I am human, to come to some form of harm. It could have been-” Dean cut him off though,

“Please don't say 'it could have been worse'. I don't even want to think about the possibility of you being...” Dean closed his eyes, trying to put himself in Cas' position “Everything I touch dies and I get through it but I don't think I could get through you or Sammy...” Dean trailed off as a new set of sobs racked through him which Castiel willingly kissed away, trying to reassure Dean that he wasn't dying.

“I am alive so please, Dean, do not cry.” Dean nodded, sniffling a little as he fought the tide of emotions.

The door opened and when Dean looked up he saw a young nurse checking Cas' machines. She gave Dean a comforting smile as he slid off the bed, sitting in the supplied seat but remaining his firm hold on Castiel's hand. This allowed her to check on his bandages.

“He seems to be just fine. The doctor thinks that his injuries are temporary and that there is a chance his eyesight may recover. Don't get your hopes up too much though, just in case,” she picked up the chart and examined it before looking up, “Mr Winchester, you should probably start learning how to do every day things without your sight, just in case your recovery doesn't go as well as we hope it will.” she gave Dean one last smile and left, closing the door behind her.

“Dean, was that a proposal?” Dean looked around the room, wondering what Cas was talking about.

“What?” Dean asked, confused as hell.

“'Mr Winchester', is that your way of asking for my hand in marriage?” Cas was smiling when Dean looking at him, teasing his partner.

“Once you fully recover we can have this conversation, for now it's so that I can see you outside of visiting hours if I make them think I'm your husband. Its not hard, is it?” Cas smiled wider, shaking his head and then yawning. “You should sleep. I'll be here when you wake up and maybe we can start learning to do everyday things blind like the nurse suggested.”

Castiel made a content sound, getting comfortable and before long all that could be heard in the hospital room was the bleeping of the heart monitor and the synchronised snoring of the two men.

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