4 - Vinyl

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(A/N: This was inspired by: Katy Perry who has a new song called Birthday cake. And would this really be a series of one shots if it didn't have a birthday fanfic in it? I also included a bit of AC/DC, a band with which I am obsessed. Feel free to comment your favourite AC/DC songs.)

Birthday's had never been big events in the Winchester calenders but once Castiel found out the date of Dean's birthday he insisted they change that.

It was January 24th and Dean was wary of what Cas was up to as he hadn't checked in in a couple of weeks which was odd considering how close they had gotten before he did his disappearing act.

Dean rolled onto his back and let himself wake up to his own room in the bunker. At least he wasn't in a motel this year. He got out of bed and strolled to the kitchen, pouring himself a cup of coffee. The fact that the coffee machine was on told him that Sam was up and about already. When Dean made his way to the library he couldn't hear a peep. Often Sam would watch day time TV until Dean emerged but not sound echoed in the expansive building which made Dean suspicious, almost excited, that Cas and Sam had planned a surprise for his birthday.

When Dean got to the library he found Sam kicked back in an armchair with his head in a book which he lowered when he heard Dean approaching.

“It's about time,” he called, smiling at Dean but otherwise treating it as if it was any other day. It was wishful thinking to expect cake and presents. Sam pulled the book down again as if something had occurred to him. “I think we're out of beer so you're gonna have to do a food run sometime today if we're going to do our usually Friday thing.” Sam and Dean had tried to make Friday evenings their 'normal time' where they drank beer and watched crappy TV, even if they often missed it. Dean nodded, it was just another day in the bunker.

Dean returned a while later; throwing open the bunker door, balancing the case of beer in one hand and promptly kicking the door closed behind himself. He ran down the stairs and stopped short. He had missed something. Dean walked forward and looking into the library gasping. Streamers were hung from the shelves and Happy Birthday banners were pinned at eye level. The table had a large cake on it, a pie and a plate of party rings. Most impressive of all though was the pile of presents which sat on the floor and piled high.

Sam walked into the library and gawked much like Dean had.

“Wow, Cas, this is almost too much. Perfect, he's going to love it.” Dean stepped forward, which made Sam spot him. “Happy birthday, Dean!” he cheered which got Cas' attention who turned towards Dean and smiled warmly. Dean walked into the library and spun around looking at all the decorations, he couldn't get enough of them, he couldn't get enough of the fact that this was all for him.

“Is it a big number, my age, or do you love me a little more this year?” Dean asked jokingly.

“I love you a little more every time I see you, Dean.” Castiel answered truthfully, not getting the joking tone to Dean's question. His answer was almost the undoing of Dean who was overwhelmed.

“Aw, that's a really nice thing to say, Cas. I can't believe you did this for me. I don't...I don't deserve this. You guys...I can't believe it.” Dean pulled Sam into a hug and then went and hugged Cas, followed by a sickly sweet kiss.

After they'd had their fair share of food they all draped themselves over the couches in the TV room. Castiel disappeared for less than a second and the Winchester brothers could hear rustling in the other room before the angel returned with the pile of presents balanced in his arms and blocking his vision. He placed them on the floor and motioned Dean over. The 3 men sat around the pile of presents and Sam and Cas watched as Dean ripped open neatly wrapped present after neatly wrapped present, marvelling at the use of each gift joyfully.

The presents were obviously from Sam and Cas but they were labelled from people who couldn't be there like Bobby, Jo and Ellen, Dad, Crissy, Chuck etc. This made Dean laugh more than sad because he would never have expected them to include Chuck. He was just happy to have presents, let alone that each one was just what he needed.

Sam had gotten him some more tapes for the Impala, some of them more up to date music which can't have been easy to find on tape and Dean assumed this gift was inspired by the fact that Sam was probably tired of Dean playing the same 5 tapes over and over again. How many times had Sam told Dean that it would be easier to install a CD player in the Impala. Dean wasn't having any of it though.

Dean couldn't see a present labelled from Cas in the pile of presents though and almost thought that he had missed a present but there weren't anymore. He tried not to tease Cas about getting all these presents and making them from other people when he had forgotten to get one that was actually labelled from Cas.

He almost did but then Cas disappeared and came back with two more rather large presents in his arms which he put down more gently then any of the others. Dean looked from the pile of presents to Cas.

“I feel like this is too much.” he started but Cas silenced him with a quick kiss on the lips, which completely distracted Dean from the overwhelmed feeling. Cas took his hands and led him to the presents. The first present was quite heavy and so Dean started ripping off the paper urgently getting excited. Quite right too, the wrapped paper peeled back revealing a wooden record player. Dean almost squealed but restrained himself as he threw himself into the arms of Cas who was not expecting it and so stumbled backwards slightly before squeezing Dean back.

“You like it then?” He asked in his monotone voice.

“Like it? I love it! I've always wanted a record player!” he burst, sounding like a kid on Christmas morning.

“I am glad.” Cas remarked, followed by Dean ripping into the second present. This time he found a cardboard box which he pulled open to find 100's of vinyl records crammed inside. Dean's eyes widened more, if it was possible, as he crossed his legs and set to look for an AC/DC record with his favourite AC/DC song on.

Dean held his hand out to Cas as his favourite AC/DC song blared out from the record player and he knew he had to dance or he would burst at the seams. Even Sam joined in as they danced, if you could call it that, and laughed at each other's stupid dance moves because none of them actually knew how to dance.

(A/N: If you were interested, in my mind Dean's favourite AC/DC song is Shook me all night long...well it's my favourite song so I guess it makes sense. That was the song they danced to if you want to listen to that and imagine them dancing worse than dad's.) (Is it even possible to not like AC/DC?)(I wrote this really late at night – more like 1am – so I hope it's still good.)

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