20 - Super!Avengers Part 1

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Super!Avengers Part 1

(A/N: This is a Super!Avengers AU-ish type thing which is going to continue on for at least 2 or 3 one shots. I was going to write it as a full fanfiction but I've got exams and ain't nobody got time for dat! Supernatural – set after Season 9 even if we haven't seen the finally yet. Avengers - set after New York but lets say that Loki was locked up by SHIELD instead and that means the erm...THING never happened to him. The very final non-final thing that we aren't going to mention because of spoilers :D)


“Dean?” Castiel called, poking his head in the door of the warehouse again. As if on second though, he added, “Sam?” remembering it wasn't just Cas and Dean anymore. Cas felt slightly useless, they thought they were following Gabriel but it turned out to be nothing.

“Who's Sam and Dean?” Romanoff breathed down Castiel's neck, as she clicked the 'angel proof' hand cuffs around his wrists. He attempted to translocate but couldn't which alarmed him. Natasha walked in front of him, a blank expression on her face as she watched him with eyes that held a million secrets.

“Who are you? What have you put on my arms?” Castiel asked, getting straight to the point, knowing when he was beaten, she ignored him though as she muttered into her wrist,

“Have we got a Sam and Dean?” Romanoff asked Coulson, her voice devoid of emotions.

“Negative.” Phil replied, her eyes flicked to Castiel who could do nothing but wait patiently for whatever was going to happen now.

Outside there where a dozen or so black cars with tinted windows and flashing lights which hadn't been there two minutes ago. Castiel was tucked into the back seat of one of the cars, it was dark in the car until Romanoff got into the drivers seat, making the lights come on.

“Running out of staff, Romanoff?” a cool, English voice breathed. Cas would say it had surprised him but he didn't scare that easily unless Dean was around.

“You can't be trusted around other people, least of all a driver.” Loki nodded as if he understood her perfectly.

“And who might you be?” he asked Castiel who's eyes widened upon being addressed by the Asgardian.

“Castiel.” Loki smirked, as if he knew who Castiel was.

“I let them escape,” he whispered to the angel, obviously talking about Sam and Dean. Castiel nodded, showing he understood, Loki smirked devilishly at the angel, as if they were now allies.


Castiel didn't pay attention to his surroundings, having given up all hope of escape when they stopped him from translocating with the hand cuffs they had put on him. He could feel Loki staring at him but he ignored the feeling, feeling glad that at least Sam and Dean were safe, all thanks to the God.

When they arrived at their destination two guards came over and ordered them out of the car. They obliged and were led into a dark building full of futuristic jail cells. Castiel was put into one before some sort of force field was shut across the exit, he watched as Loki was put into the cell opposite the angel.

“Excuse me, but where am I?” he asked the guard who ignored Castiel until Loki was sealed in his cell, even then all Castiel got was a dirty look.

“The name you are looking for is SHIELD. It seems they out smarted you too, Castiel.” Loki replied from his cell.

“It makes me feel things when you say nice things about us, Loki.” Tony Stark commented as he walked into Castiel's eye line with Natasha Romanoff next to him. Castiel was sure Loki was a Nordic God, Castiel hadn't had any good experiences with Gods and the fact that this one was in hand cuffs suggested that this SHEILD hadn't had any good experiences with them either. Loki didn't reply to Tony, instead rolling his eyes at him.

“We've been tracking you for a while now.” Romanoff said to Castiel. “What were you hunting this time?” Castiel frowned and tilted his head to the side in confusion.

“Aw, look, he's doing the puppy look.” Tony remarked, as if he was some sort of running commentary comedian. Romanoff ignored him as if she was used to it,

“We were hunting something that has been bothering us for a while.” she nodded, knowing that 'we' meant Sam, Dean and Castiel. Loki was at the edge of his cell, listening into the conversation intently. “It turned out to be nothing.” Romanoff let a smile grace her lips, as if their failure amused her.

“I don't know why they locked him up, we could do with an angel on the team.” Tony said, thinking logically now.

“It's a shame you don't call the shots then isn't it.” Romanoff replied sarcastically, Tony pulled a face at her before turning to Loki.

“You are going to be in there for a loooong looooong time.” he told Loki threateningly, changing his mood so suddenly from funny and sarcastic to dark and menacing, it amazed Castiel that humans could do that so well.


The pair of humans went after a while, when Castiel looked up he saw Loki sat on the floor by the front of his cell. Castiel mimicked his position.

“Castiel.” a familiar female voice echoed around the building, breaking the silence that had been building up for a couple of hours of silence which didn't particularly bother either Loki or Castiel. They both looked up, trying to find the person who had spoken, Castiel looked at the person who was stood outside his cell in confusion,


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