16 - Vinyl: Sequel

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Vinyl: Sequel

(A/N: Warning: So much fluff it could blind you.)

Castiel was sorting through one of their many cupboards filled with trash they no longer used, when he came across a dusty box. He brushed off the top and cautiously lifted the lid revealing the record player he had brought Dean all those years ago when Dean was still a hunter and they still feared for their lives every day. Of course, he was too old to hunt demons now and Castiel couldn't imagine their life any other way than the way it was.

He carried the rather heavy box to a spare plug in their living room then went back into the cupboard to retrieve the box of records they had long forgotten about. Castiel played the records one after another as he continued to sort through the cupboard until Dean came home from work. Castiel heard the thump-thump of his boots falling to the ground then the pad of his feet towards the cupboard. Dean picked up Castiel so that Dean could kiss him affectionately in greeting.

“Honey I'm home.” he whispered mockingly, they laughed before Dean sighed, “Man, I haven't heard this song in...well, 20 or so years!” he mused, turning from Cas to follow the sound of the music wafting softly from the living room. Castiel relished in the sound of Dean's delighted gasp. “This is that old record player that you got me for my birthday way back. God, this thing was old when we got it.” he continued to mumble, the song stopped for a while before a new song played out. Dean hadn't played AC/DC since he stopped hunting. Castiel guessed listening to Classic Rock made Dean feel invincible but he didn't need to feel like that anymore, he didn't need to play the hero.

Castiel carried on sorting through the cupboard, as Dean waltzed around the living room on his own singing along to the song, but didn't get very far before he felt Dean's arms wrapped around his waist.

“Dance with me.” he whispered sultrily into Castiel's ear. Dean took one of Cas' hands, spun him around and led him into the living room where the music was louder. Dean pulled him in so that their bodies were flush together and slowly rocked from side to side, attempting to slow dance with Cas but failing as neither of them had never been much of a dancer.

“On an island in the sun, we'll be playing and having fun...” Dean sang into Castiel's ear, showing him how romantic Dean could be. “We'll run away together, we'll spend some time forever, we'll never feel bad anymore.”

Cas sang back when they finally started dancing in time to the music, “When you're on a golden sea, you don't need no memory, just a place to call your own, as we drift into the zone.” Dean pulled his head back to plant a kiss on Castiel's lips and smiled because he felt so peaceful and happily innocent again.

“I love you, and I know we don't say it to each other anymore but I want you to know that there is nothing that could make me love you any less than I do.” Dean said, his voice full of emotion he often refused to express. “And I couldn't love you anymore without my heart exploding.” Castiel smiled,

“I love you too, Dean. Forever and ever.” they didn't speak again as they danced awkwardly to the same song over and over.

(A/N: Yes, the song was Island in the Sun by Weezer, which is my favourite song, from my favourite band, so it is likely this won't be the last time I write a one shot to it.)

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