12 - Fanboy

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(A/N: So Dean is fanatic about a band and guess whose the main singer that he's desperately and madly in love with?)

Dean hopped from foot to foot trying to stay warm as he waited in the lengthy queue to get into the venue on the night when his favourite band, The Seraphs, were playing. Sammy stood next to him warmly wrapped in a coat. He had never been to a concert before so didn't know that he wouldn't be leaving the venue with the coat, unless he wanted a bucket for his sweat.

An organiser opened the doors and 1000's of keen teenagers rushed forward, forgetting there was a queue system. All of them fit into the same category; band t-shirts, black jeans, most of them had dyed hair commonly in black, there were plenty of piercings in unusual places and Dean probably knew most of them better by their Twitter names rather than their faces. This made him ponder how many of the people in the the queue he followed on the social networking site, which almost made Dean feel uncomfortable but he wasn't sure if he could feel anything but excitement right now.

“Dean, can you calm down? You're making me jumpy.” Sam complained, he didn't get it – the hype about the band.

Dean had been a fan of The Seraphs since he could remember and had been in love with the main singer, Castiel, equally as long. It was a passion he shared with thousands of other kids his own age from around the world. Other people on Tumblr shipped the band members together though, like Gabriel and Ezekiel (Ezekbriel), Balthazar and Castiel (Balthastiel) or Samandriel and Ezekiel (Sameze) but it pained me to think of Castiel with anyone, even if it would make me happy to see him happy.

Sam and I finally got into the building and show the lady behind the glass our tickets before heading towards the doors that led to the concert hall, and potentially the end of my life.


Dean almost starts hyperventilating when the support act, AC/DC or something, stop playing. Sammy had to nudge him in the ribs to bring him back down to Earth. The lights shut off and a roar of thousands of people screaming fill Dean's ears as they witness Castiel's, Ezekiel's, Samandriel's, Balthazar's and Gabriel's shadows walk onto stage.

“We are The Seraphs and we have come down from heaven to impart some hell on this shaky-ass planet.” Castiel speaks into the microphone before chuckling and then the lights blast back on as the guitars started the riff of 'Apocalypse', one of the singles from their latest album.

Dean lost himself in the music and gravitated closer and closer to the front of the crowd until he was pressed against the cold metal barrier keeping him from clambering onto the stage. He danced and gazed up at Castiel as his nimble fingers worked on his guitar and his lips brushed against the microphone, warbling 'Angel Blade' in his heart stoppingly beautiful voice.

They started playing Dean's favourite song 'Green Eyes', because Dean's eyes were green and he had long ago convinced himself it wasn't a coincidence. It certainly wasn't a coincidence when Castiel's eyes locked with Dean's throwing him a wink and the guitar pick he had been playing with for the whole concert. Dean caught it easily and felt his heart flutter to a stop.

Holy crap. Castiel just interacted with Dean, he just chose him, out of the thousands of people who were here, to wink at. Castiel had gifted Dean with his guitar plectrum and now Dean felt like he was going to faint. He can't faint, Castiel might love Dean back and fainting would make him look like some desperate fanboy. He was a desperate fanboy but Castiel didn't need to know that, he just needed to know that he was the most beautiful person Dean had ever seen and that to Dean he was flawless in every way. Dean knew that he was never going to be truly sane again.

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