18 - Crash

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(A/N: This is not your typical High school AU. I bet everyone says that, but really. This isn't even particularly based in a school. It's a little bit sad.)

Dean threw his keys on the side board and dumped his rucksack on the floor by the door before slumping into the old, worn out couch. He grabbed the remote from the armrest and flicked on the TV, prepared to watch anything that was on. The local news channel was on but Dean decided to let it run, not remembering when he last watched the news. He stuffed his hand down the back of the couch and pulled back his hand as he grabbed a handful of sweets. His mom thought he hadn't noticed that she stashed all the good stuff down the back of the cushions. Dean just popped one in his mouth when the news lady's tone changed dramatically,

“Breaking news, ladies and gentleman, it seems a school bus from Lawrence High School has crashed. Gary is live at the scene, Gary?”

“Yes, hello Jennifer. The police are not sure what caused the bus to crash this afternoon but I am afraid to confirm that there have been fatalities, many of the students are believed to have just been severely injured though. Ambulances are taking those students away now. As for now, it's just a case of waiting for confirmation as to what really happened here today. Back to you Jennifer.”

Dean didn't hear what Jennifer said, he was sat bolt upright, unhearing and unseeing. All he could think was that Cas got the bus, his bus went along the free way, that had almost certainly been Cas' bus. Dean didn't want to freak out but he was definitely freaking out; his hands were shaking, he was sweating, his legs felt weak and his mouth felt like sandpaper.

Dean finally rose from his seat, grabbing his keys and driving to Cas' house. He didn't really remember how he got there but suddenly he was knocking impatiently on Cas' door.

“Dean,” Cas' dad sounded hollow, “You saw the news then?” Dean nodded, he didn't need to try to speak to know his voice wasn't working properly. “We called the police, the school, no one will tell us anything...we erm...we guess we're just going to...er...have to wait for the police to come to our door to tell us what happened to our Cassy.” his voice rose a few octaves higher as he broke down on the door step. Dean backed away, this wasn't real. Cas can't have been on that bus, he couldn't be...he couldn't be...dead.

The word felt wrong, Cas was only 17. They had only been going out for a couple of months but it felt right, it felt permanent.

“I guess all we can do is pray.” Cas' dad squeaked from his crumbled position on the front step. Dean backed away even more until he was on the side walk, the Impala pressed against the back of his legs. He got into the car and drove. He drove until he found himself on the free way with about a dozen flashing lights ahead of him. Why was he here?

Dean's phone buzzed on the passenger seat, the sky was getting dark and the sudden light coming from his cell made him jump a little. He pulled over, his eyes trained on the mess of the bus ahead of him. Had they pulled Cas out yet? He glanced down at his phone, almost disregarding the message but double taking.

Where r u? - C

Hello!!! Forgetting something? - C

Dammit its getting dark! This isnt funny! - C

Dean threw the phone, he didn't pay attention to where it landed as he hit pedal to metal and gunned down the free way towards the school. He pulled into the parking lot, taking 4 minutes to do a 10 minutes journey. The car skidded as he pulled up at the curb seeing Cas grinning at Dean, happy to see he had finally come to pick him up. Dean abandoned the car still running as he ran at his boyfriend. He barrelled into Cas, clutching him around the shoulders and burying his face in Cas' light brown hair which smelt like apples and heaven.

“Oh god, thank God you're okay. Oh god, I missed you. You're never getting the bus again. Jesus, I was so scared. I can't live without you, Cas. Never leave.” Cas stopped being shocked at Dean's unexplained reaction and wrapped his arms around Dean, clutching on for dear life.

“Dean, what's wrong? What's happened?” Cas asked, pushing Dean away to look at his worried and panicked face. Dean's answer came out in a rushed jumble.

“I watched the news, a bus crashed, your bus, people died, and were injured, there were ambulances and...I thought you were dead, Cas!” Dean put his hands on Cas' cheeks and planted a coy kiss on his lips, grateful that he had the honour to do so. Dean took deep breaths as he looked into Cas' eyes to calm himself.

“The bus crashed? You thought I'd died?” Dean nodded, “People died?” Dean nodded again,

“I'm so sorry for bombarding you like that, I'm a little shaken up. There was probably a better way to tell you than...that.” Cas almost laughed, but didn't. Who had died? He felt a heavy weight on his heart. All that mattered right now was the man wrapped in his arms. If Dean was safe then Cas could fight on. It was just the two of them against the rest of the world.

(A/N: Thank you so much to everyone who has voted and commented! I appreciate it so much! I can't believe this has got 400 reads!!)

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