28 - God

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(A/N: I really want to write smut because I've got a really good, funny idea but I'm not brave enough. Urg. I think I'm just gonna write it and be in a permanent state of shock horror because I'm not the kind of person who writes smut. Oh god, here we go.) (Okay, I should probably put up the age restriction thing on this because when I first started this fanfic I didn't expect to write smut. I was listening to Gods and Monsters by Lana Del Rey when writing this. Yeah, you know the line I'm talking about.)

Dean pressed Castiel up against the wall sucking on his neck not caring if he left evidence of his presence there. All rational thoughts had leaked from Dean's mind when Castiel kissed him. He knew it was going too far but Dean didn't want to stop. Ever.

Castiel raked his fingers through Dean's hair sending tingles down the hunters back straight to his sensitive area. Trust the angel to know all of his weak spots. Just as Dean thought this Castiel started fiddling with the baby hairs at the nape of Dean's neck causing him to gasp. Castiel pressed himself more into Dean, enjoying it more than an angel should.

Every cell in Castiel's mind was screaming at him about how wrong this was but he didn't care. His body had taken over. Dean worked his way up to Castiel's ear making the angel giggle uncharacteristically. Dean wondered where else Castiel was ticklish and ran his finger tips down Castiel's sides experimentally resulting in the angel squirming.

The hunter pulled away momentarily to glance in Castiel's eyes to see if he actually wanted this. Dean could only see lust in his angels darkened eyes. Dean started massaging Castiel eliciting a deep moan from him, it was exactly what Dean needed to hear though. He guided Castiel away from the wall and towards the bed. He knew it wasn't Castiel's first time but it was going to be his best time.

Dean pushed Castiel into the bed and continued to kiss him messily but soon found himself distracted by shirtless Cas. Somehow Dean failed to notice Cas had started to undress himself. The hunter ran his hands down Cas' chest, savouring the feel of his soft, untouched skin.

“Oh Dean,” Castiel moaned as Dean's hands drifted south. The volume of Castiel's cries increased as Dean attended to the angels more intimate areas.

Finally Cas screamed “Oh God!” as he climaxed, the air in the room became slightly unsettled but they hardly noticed.

“Oh dear.” a familiar voice mumbled. Dean and Cas shared an equally horrified look before turning towards the voice simultaneously.

“Oh shit.” Dean cursed, pulling away from Castiel and doing his best to cover them up. “Chuck how the hell did you get in here?” the prophet was still desperately trying to find the door in the dim light. Dean pulled on his trousers and chucked a pile of fabric at Cas before locating the light switch and turned the light up. “Answer the question, Chuck.” Dean said, not messing around anymore.

Chuck turned around, his back too straight and his voice too formal, “Castiel! What in the world do you think you are doing?” Chuck seethed.

“Chuck, buddy, we're sorry you had to see that--” Dean started but was cut off.

“Dean, I would prefer it if you stopped calling me by my vessels name.” he turned back to Castiel, “It is not your duty to fraternise with humans Castiel, it is your duty to watch over your charges not...do that with them.” Dean was looking at Chuck as if he was a hostile alien and Castiel was sat up in awe, his mouth hung open slightly.


(A/N: I'm a sucker for a good cliffhanger. I also thought it was hilarious that most people are alluded to have said “oh God” during sex on TV and in films [Big Bang Theory reference] so I thought it would be ironic if Cas has been trying to find God for ages and then all it takes is for Cas to cry out his name in blasphemy for him to be summoned. I chickened out a little with the worst of the smut. I'm sorry if you hated it. If you want more [innuendo fully intended] please comment or if you have any other suggestions then I'm all ears you can comment them or message me. Also, so I'm thinking of doing a fanfic of superwholock imagines. Please let me know if this is a good idea and also, I'm running out of steam for these one shots so the updates might get more and more sporadic [totally a Clueless reference] sorry)

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