6 - Idjits

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(A/N: This is inspired by: My desire to have Bobby give Dean away at his wedding because in all hounesty I think that Cas is the 'man'/ 'dominant one' in their relationship and so would be the one waiting at the end of the aisle while Dean would be the bride. Tehehe.)

A knock at the door.

“Come in.” Dean called and looked behind him in the mirror at Sam peering around the edge of the door. Dean could swear Sam looked as if he was about to start shedding a tear. “This is not a chick flick moment okay, so don't go getting any cliché ideas.” Sam rolled his eyes jokingly, sometimes his brothers naïve ignorance irritated him but today it amused him.

“Out of your whole life this is the most chick flick moment by far.” Dean gave Sam a playful shove and then fretted over his suit, not wanting to crinkle it. “Everyone is ready when you are.” Sam informed his older brother, getting to the real reason he came to see Dean.

“How do I look, Sammy?” Dean asked, spinning around to face his little brother. Sam smiled as a thought occurred to him,

“Like a Winchester.” Sam stated in the most matter-of-fact voice he could muster. Dean chuckled.

“Yeah well enjoy it while it lasts because in an hour I'll be a Novak.” Sam stepped forward and straightened Dean's tie before going to the door and poking his head out,

“Bobby! He's ready for you!” 5 minutes later Bobby strides into the room looking more cheerful than Dean has ever seen him. Bobby stops short when he sees Dean though, his eyes crinkling up reminding Dean of his father.

“Dean, you look great!” the old man marvelled, looking as if he was getting misty eyes as well.

“Don't cry on me, Bobby. I need you now.” Bobby nodded, melodramatically sniffing to contain his emotion. He straightened his own suit before taking Dean's arm and starting to lead him to the door. Sam was still stood outside the room and gave Dean a quick hug.

“I won't be able to hug you again until you aren't a Winchester anymore.” Bobby made a disgusted noise in the back of his throat.

“Come on, girls, we've gotta get this show on the road. Stop acting like a pair of Idjits.” Dean and Sam shared a look before the younger brother rushed down the stairs and into the registry office to take his place in the church as the best man. Dean was more than ready to leave this building a Novak. Leaving behind the name Winchester was like leaving behind everything he had done as a Winchester and that's a good thing.

(A/N: I used the “And that's a good thing” from the Herpexia advert. If you guys have any suggestions of one shots I can write give me a shout and I'll add it to my list. Thanks for reading!)

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