17 - Guardian Angel

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Guardian Angel

(A/N: You know when you think of a really good fanfiction in the most random place? Well, I thought of this in psychology and almost cried, I then cried when I was writing it as well. Destiel isn't 'canon' in this one but it doesn't mean that it isn't fluffy!)

Castiel watched as an exhausted looking Dean pulled up into the parking lot. His features look so sad, he hardly ever smiled anymore unless Mary did something adorable. Cas tried to visit his human as often as he could but heaven had been doing all they could to prevent that from happening by giving him lots of work. Was it not also Castiel's job to watch over Dean?

Said man went around to the back of his Impala to unbuckle the patient toddler from her car seat. Dean lifted her into his arms, holding his only reason to live close to him. He held her tiny hand as he led her towards the dark green door which held in the chaos of 12 noisy toddlers. Her blonde curls bounced as she skipped to keep up with Dean's pace.

He gave her a gentle shove towards the group of screaming 2 to 3 year olds. She turned back to her dad but he wasn't there, her bottom lips wobbled and her eyes filled with tears but before she could shed them a man in a trench coat appeared by the door without it ever opening. He crouched down and a smile spread onto her face as she ran towards him,

“Cassy!” she sang ecstatically, he embraced her and stroked her hair to soothe away her tears and feeling of abandonment. Castiel had learnt enough about emotions during his time as a human, yet Dean seemed to have lost all of his understanding and logic after the death of his wife. The angel did not blame him, yet felt it was unfair that Dean blamed Castiel. Dean's wife had not been in Castiel's charge.

“There there, daddy will not be long.” he mumbled, not really listening to what he was saying. When Mary pulled back Castiel held out his hand on which sat a small, fluffy black feather. Mary looked at it in a confused manner, like she did when Castiel had insisted she called him 'Castiel', a name that she could not pronounce unless she said 'Wasiewell' instead. He leaned close and whispered “Your guardian angel told me to give this to you so that you will never feel alone or unsafe. He wanted you to know that he will always keep you safe.” she smiled at him even if she didn't understand most of what he had said, he then tucked the baby feather into her pocket and sent her on her way.

She seemed a lot happier to go to play school now she knew her angel was watching over her. In the future she would refer to Castiel as he imaginary friend. At least Mary was happy, even if Dean was not.


Dean raised his head from under the trunk of a customers car when he heard the ruffle of feathers which alerted him Castiel was here, at least he hoped it was Castiel.

“Hello, Dean.” Dean smiled to himself then let the expression fall off of his face as he turned to his angel,

“Hey, Cas.” Castiel smiled at Dean comfortingly,

“I'm going to tell you what I just told Mary because you look about as happy as she did when you left her at play school this morning.” Castiel held out his hand but this time there was a long, silky black feather; more mature like Dean. “It is from my wings. I want you to know that you are never alone, or unsafe. I am always, and will always, watch over you, Dean. You and Mary...are under my charge, and that means something to me, even if it means nothing to you. So there.” he took Dean's hand and placed the feather into it, he then closed Dean's hand around the feather before disappearing to tend to his other jobs.

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