27 - Everything

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(A/N: Please don't hate me for not updating for almost a month. I have no excuse. I'm on summer holiday but I'm going on holiday tomorrow so I thought I better update. Again, I am really really sorry)

Cas walked into the abandoned warehouse, his eyes searching desperately for the black clad form he hadn't seen in what felt like an eternity. When Cas finally spotted Dean he gasped. Dean was looking at Cas, his eyes wide and his body covered in blood. Cas ran to him but Dean held out his hand, the red dripping from his fingers, the gesture told Cas to keep his distance but he ignored it stopping only a few feet from Dean.

“I'm a monster, Castiel.” Dean spat, his eyes emanating black and evil. It repelled Cas' grace but he fought his angelic instinct.

“You never call me by my full name.” Cas stated, somehow feeling emotional about this one tiny detail.

“Why are you still here?” Cas took a step back, the sting of that statement seeping into his heart. He shook it off though, stepping forward again and placing his hands on Dean's face. He pulling Dean's face up so that blue met black, Cas held Dean's gaze even if it felt wrong.

“Dean, I love everything you hate about yourself.” Dean's black orbs filled with moisture. It looked so unnatural on a demon.

“Did you just say you love me?” Dean gasped,

“Maybe.” Cas became all coy and shy, not knowing if he regretted letting it slip out.

“I love you too, Cas.” Dean beamed, the happiness reflecting in his eyes which had gone back to the vivid green Cas loved so much.

(A/N: Short but sweet. This is probably really bad and slightly confusing but I'm still not over Demon!Dean. I'll try to update after the 2nd of August but I can't guarantee anything because I'm doing Gishwhes which I'm really excited about. Comment if you're doing gishwhes too and if its your first time as well. And if you want to do it but don't have a team to join you can join the DetectiveAssbutts [the team I'm in] :D)

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