11 - Stars In Their Eyes

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Stars In Their Eyes

(A/N: I often write these authors notes before I even write the actual fanfiction which I've realised makes no sense. Well, I'm listening to the Doctor Who and Star Trek soundtracks so that must mean this is a really clichéd one shot about star gazing. How freaking romantic! Enjoy!)

The grumble of the Impala's engine came to a halt, throwing the meadow into a hushed serenity. Dean ducked into the back seat to grab a blanket which he promptly laid out on the grass for Castiel to sit on. Dean sat next to Cas who flopped down so that he was laid on his back. Dean could see the reflection of constellations in Castiel's eyes which were scanning the sky, admiring the beauty it held while Dean admired the beauty Castiel's eyes held. Dean shook his head and mentally slapped himself in the face. God forbid Cas was reading his mind and overheard something as soppy and embarrassing.

Dean laid down next to Cas and stared up at the stars. Dean grinned at nothing in particular as a way to make Cas laugh came to his mind. Dean pointed to a clusters of stars just to the right,

“You see that constellation there?” Cas took Dean's hand and squeezed it as confirmation he knew the constellation Dean was talking about, “I have no idea what it's called.” Castiel chuckled,

“I should probably know more about stars than I do because technically I have lived among them for thousands of years.”  Castiel breathed, not wanting to spoil the serene atmosphere of this moment. Dean kissed the top of Castiel's head causing the angel to nuzzle into Dean's side, intertwining their legs and wrapping his arms around Dean as if he was a koala gripping onto a tree. They stayed like that for a while, their combined body heats preventing them from feeling the cool fall breeze.

Cas rolled around so that he was laying on his stomach and propped himself up on his elbows. He gasped and stroked a hand over Dean's face.

“Dean, it's beautiful. You have stars in your eyes.” Dean smiled at Cas' awestruck expression as he distractedly traced features on Dean's face with his soft fingertips. After a while Dean couldn't stand it anymore and closed the distance between their lips enjoying the peaceful and happy expression on Cas' face when he pulled away.

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