22 - Super!Avengers Part 3/Final

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Super!Avengers Part 3/Final Part

(A/N: I didn't edit this as much because it was quite long and if I spend too long on the one shot I loose focus so sorry if there are mistakes or if anyone is really out of character.)

The SHIELD head quarters had a limited amount of cell space so Dean was put in with Loki and Sam was put in with Castiel. Tony Stark leant against the wall outside Castiel's cell, keeping watch while Romanoff went to tell the others that Sam and Dean had showed up.

“What I want to know is why you guys were hunting Loki?” Dean gave Tony the evils, not liking that they so easily fell for the tricksters tricks time after time.

“Let's just say we've got our own trickster which we might have mixed up with this guy.” Dean turned to Loki and frowned, “You look more like a princess than a villain.” Loki didn't comment on the insult, finding that Dean's brother had his hair just as long as Loki's therefore Dean's argument was invalid. Loki created the illusion of a knife and flung it at Dean's chest who gasped and tensed up thinking it was a real knife which gave Loki a small measure of amusement.

“This is why you don't have any friends.” Tony told Loki mockingly.

“So you guys seem to know who we are, but you are you? And what is this?” Sam asked logically, pointing around in reference to the whole base.

“This is SHIELD and I am Tony Stark. You might also know me as Iron Man.” Tony said, knowing a lot of people knew Iron Man after New York, but instead he received blank looks from everyone but Sam.

“Yeah, I watch the news unlike my brother. I saw what you did in New York.”

“And?” Sam shrugged in reply, the Winchesters had done their fair share of spectacular in their life time. The silence dragged on until Dean broke it an hour later.

“If you know us, then you know we aren't the bad guys, so why are we still locked up?” Dean emphasised the last part by kicking the wall. Tony went over to a table where there was a stereo and flicked it on, AC/DC playing quietly out of the speakers. “Okay, I don't like you but I like your music taste.”

“Well that makes everything better.” It was as if he couldn't talk without making a sarcastic remark which annoyed the hell out of Dean who was used to being Mr Punch-Line, “You broke into the head quarters of a secret service, how did you think that was going to work out?”

The doors were suddenly pushed open and Tony lifted Dean's gun but clearly wasn't used to using one. He lowered it as soon as he saw who it was though,

“Nick.” he greeted, receiving a nod in return,

“These are the Winchesters.” Nick Fury stated, as if he didn't need confirmation but Dean gave it to him anyway,

“Yeah, we are, do you think we might get out of here any time soon? See, my cell mate isn't the chatty type.” Dean answered being just as sarcastic as Tony. Castiel and Sam shared a look, both thinking that Dean and Tony were two peas in a pod.

“We were thinking we might keep you as pets.” Director Fury answered, Tony narrowed his eyes in confusion at how out of character that was before the Nick's eyes flicked black.

“Holy crap!” Tony exclaimed, lifting the gun but not really knowing how to deal with this kind of evil.

“Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio, et secta diabolica, ergo draco maledicte, ecclesiam tuam securi tibi, facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos.” Sam rushed his exorcism but it worked, the black smoke funnelled into nothing above Director Fury who fell to the floor.

“What the hell what that?”

“That was hell. Now get us out of here, it won't have gone far.” Tony smirked and aimed the gun at Sam and Castiel's cell.

“Duck.” Sam and Cas got down just quick enough to avoid the bullet which shattered the force field before Tony did the same to Loki and Dean's cell. “Now what?”

(Ohhhh...cliff hanger. That's also the end of the Super!Avengers story which needs a better name if you guys have any suggestions?)

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