3 - Fourth of July

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(A/N: This was inspired by: The American custom to celebrate the 4th July..is it Independence Day or something? I'm trying to use American-English language to write these one shots e.g. couch instead of sofa and pants instead of trousers because I'm English and the Supernatural characters are not - aside from the obvious.)

Dean poked the small bonfire as Sam pushed the fireworks into the soft ground a couple of metres from where they were going to sit and watch the display. Dean looked over his shoulder at Castiel who was stretched out on one of the blankets they had brought with them looking up at the stars admirably. Sam nudged Dean, startling him out of his trance. He looked at his younger brother who was smirking,

“What?” Dean demanded which only made Sam laugh more,

“I said, Dean can you chuck me the matches?” Dean blinked a couple of times to try and get his head together as he fished in his pocket for the little box. He grasped it and held it out for Sam who carried them back to the fireworks mumbling about being glad Dean wasn't setting them up or they'd have all the trees on fire.

Dean ignored his remarks and went to join Cas on the blanket.

“Cas, the fireworks are going to start in a minute.” he whispered, feeling as if talking would destroy the peace. Castiel sat up and leaned into Dean. Resting his head on Dean's shoulder, Cas' hand found Dean's and they intertwined their fingers. Sam called back and then Dean watched as his little brother sprinted towards them, looking like something out of James Bond with the fireworks exploding behind him one by one. He just about managed to dive into the blanket and look up at the sky as the first firework burst cutting light through the darkness of the night sky.

Dean and Sam shared an amused look as Cas gawked at the fireworks with his mouth hanging slightly open letting out sounds of awe like a 5 year old child witnessing his first firework display. Cas glanced at Dean feeling his stare and giving Dean a questioning look which was answered with a quick kiss on the angels forehead. Dean pulled back and looked at the reflections of the short displays of light in Castiel's eyes, as the angel focused on the end of the fireworks display, thinking that this was one of his happiest memories.

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