21 - Super!Avengers Part 2

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Super!Avengers Part 2

(A/N: Over 600 reads! Oh my god! Thank you!)

Charlie sounded vaguely shocked when she asked “What are you doing here?”

“I was arrested on a case by...SHIELD.” she frowned.

“I thought when they said they were tracking you down that they were adding you to the team.” as if on second thought she added “Where's Sam and Dean? Are they here too?” Castiel shook his head, gesturing towards Loki's cell.

“Loki helped them escape.” Charlie's eyes widened and she looked over her shoulder at where I had pointed.

“Good day, Charlotte.” Loki greeted, glad to finally talk after so long.

“This is not good. You shouldn't trust that guy, he is bad, bad news. He almost ended the world like twice and destroyed New York. Have you been under a rock or something, it's been all over the news?” Castiel shrugged, glad that he at least knew someone here.

“What are you doing here, Charlie?” he asked, hoping she could tell him considering he was their prisoner.

“I work for SHIELD now. At least someone other than Sam and Dean appreciate my skills.” she answered truthfully, more confident than the last time Castiel had met her, “I'm going to go find out what they want with you, and convince them that you aren't a threat because to be hounest, you aren't. Not to SHIELD.” Charlie chuckled to herself as she walked away, amused at her own joke. Castiel put his hand on the force field window and pulled back, yowling in pain. His palm was burnt where it had touched the force field, he soon healed it though.


“What did you do to New York?” Castiel asked Loki, starting to get restless. Loki wondered how long they had been locked up and how long they were going to ignore them for.

“I think you are the only person in the world who does not know.” Loki answered, “I would like to keep it that way for now.” because he knew that if he told Castiel he wouldn't be as polite to the God as he was being now.

“I'll ask Charlie when she comes back then.” Castiel threatened, glad that it worked.

“I made a deal with a race of beings who were not to be trusted, I helped them onto Earth and they wrecked New York and my plan to rule over this helpless planet. This was only a week ago. I have a new plan. I think you might help me.” Cas felt confusion, what made Loki think that.

“Go on.” for now he would humour the God.

“All I wanted was to be the king of my own planet, Asgard. My brother Thor is not suited for the job and my father...well, the current king is getting old. They do not trust me anymore-”

“I don't blame them.”

“They do not trust me anymore,” Loki repeated annoyed that Castiel had interrupted him, “So I think I will have to use my illusions to pretend to be my father once I...get rid of him.” Loki smirked, looking at Castiel, waiting for compliments on his plan which was something Castiel was not going to give because he didn't really know what Loki meant by 'illusions' and wasn't sure if he wanted to know.


Charlie paced the large room; Steve, Tony, Bruce, Clint, Natasha and Thor were scattered around the room in varying levels of comfort. Tony was lounged in a leather recliner while Thor was leant against a door frame. Even in a casual situation they were threatening.

“Erm, I called you together to discuss Castiel, the angel who is currently one of your prisoners. I want to know why you put him in one of the cells with the likes of Loki when he was doing good for humanity.”

“The thing is that we don't know what he is capable of and from what I can see Loki is telling him everything.” Clint informed the team,

“You mean from your creepy nest thing right?” Tony commented, always finding place for a snarky remark.

“Well can't we question him upon his release about everything Loki has told him.” Steve suggested helpfully,

“Or maybe they've formed an alliance.” Clint piped up again. Everyone nodded, deep in thought for a moment.

“We can't keep him in there for too long though because the Winchesters will break him out if they haven't already.” Natasha told them, everyone knew it was true but Charlie shifted uncomfortably, almost deciding to not tell them,

“The thing is, is that those boys are my friends from before SHIELD. They are the good guys, trust me. Castiel does not deserve to be locked up with the likes of Loki.” Charlie knew that Castiel had a better chance of getting a jail break out there though if they decided to keep him locked up. Sam and Dean would never find him in here, especially not with this lot hanging around.


Castiel glanced over at Loki as he heard movement outside his cell. Loki was asleep though, only his back visible.

“Hey honey, you miss me?” Castiel heard Dean say before he spotted him outside his cell with Sam next to him. “Son of a bitch, that hurt!” Dean yowled, pulling his hand back from the force field that kept Castiel in his cell. “How do we get through this thing?” Dean asked, desperately looking around for some king of lock.

“Firstly, you need one of these.” Cas heard Romanoff say, he sighed annoyed that he had let himself hope he was going to get out of here. Romanoff was holding up the key card she had used to get into the SHIELD compound. Castiel looked over at Dean cautiously but he was not undressing her with his eyes, instead he looked star struck.

“Oh my god. You're Scarlet Johansen!” Dean exclaimed like a teenage girl. Romanoff rolled her eyes, tired of having to pretend to be a famous actress all the time.

“Johansen is simply an alias. You're trespassing on federal property, boys, there's not much that's going to stand for you in court.”

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