15 - Guess Who (Sabriel)

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Guess Who

(A/N: I wrote this on the 2nd of May and was inspired by this particularly important date in the Supernatural calender. I can't believe Sammy is 31! Time flies!)

“Morning, birthday boy.” Dean comments as he enters the room. Sam rolls his eyes at his older brother, as if his birthday was anything to celebrate after everything this day had caused. Dean often overlooked it was also the anniversary of their mothers death. Dean went into the fridge and grabbed his first of many beers today. “Want one?” Sam shook his head no. Dean didn't understand the concept of 'too early' yet.

Castiel emerged from their room a while later, he didn't get bed hair because his hair always looked like that.

“Good morning, Sam.” He turned to Dean and grinned but Dean gave him a look and cleared his through not-so-discreetly “Oh, yeah, happy birthday.” Sam forced a smile for Cas, he meant well. He imagined Dean having to explain the concept of birthday's to Cas which brought a smile to his face as he scanned today's paper. His eyes drifted over the birthday's section and stopped short when he thought he saw one saying 'Happy Birthday Samsquatch.' but his mind must have been playing tricks on him because none of the birthday announcements said his name or any variation of it when he looked again.

Sam opened his laptop to broaden his search for a case, wanting to do something at least to take his mind off of his birthday. '31 today!' the advert at the top read. Sam shook his head and blinked looking back at the advert again and finding it advertising a sample sale instead.

“You okay, Sammy?” Dean asked, who was watching Sam from across the table and looked rather worried when Sam met his gaze.

“Yeah. I'm great.” his tone didn't sound very enthusiastic though but he didn't particularly care. Sam went back to work, ignoring Dean's looks.

“We're just gonna pop out for a bit. Don't go anywhere, okay?” Sam bitch faced Dean, he didn't like being treated like a kid. Sam let out the breath he had been holding when he heard the rubble of the Impala's engine drift off and the room was thrown into silence. Not for long though, Sam looked up when he heard the muffled ruffle of angel wings.

“Cas? Did you guys forget something?” Sam pushed away from the table and wondered around looking down all the corridors in the bunker. “This isn't funny. I don't want to shoot you guys if you jump out at me.” he stopped and listened but couldn't hear anything.

“Did you get my messages, Samwich?” a different, but familiar, voice asked from behind him. Sam stood up straight and spun around on his heel to face Gabriel who grinned at him. “Hey there. It's just me.”

“You were playing tricks? I thought I was seeing things.” Sam mentally questioned why he sounded relieved and why he felt happier now that Gabriel was here.

“I can't deny that I'm a little surprised that you're happy to see me.” Gabriel commented unwrapping a lolly pop and sticking it in his mouth. Sam watched, somehow mesmerised by the way the angels mouth moved. Sam frowned and looked away from Gabriel's mouth.

“So am I.” Sam replied humorously, smiling when Gabriel laughed.

“Do you want your present now or later?” Sam frowned his mind finally catching up with the situation,

“I'm pretty sure we hated each other the last time we met and now you're giving me a birthday present. Is this a trap?” Sam's hand hovered over the gun tucked in his belt.

“I'm trying to do something nice for the guy who shut Luci in his cage. If you don't want it, that's fine.” Sam smiled,

“I studied law at college, don't you think that I'd know reverse psychology when I hear it?” Gabriel scrunched his nose, uncharacteristically.

“Did it work though?” Sam nodded coyly eliciting a laugh from Gabriel. “Good. You're going to love it.”

Gabriel's face turned serious and he strode forward to place a hand on Sam's arm resulting in an electric shock like feeling. Sam looked at Gabriel's face as the room dissolved around them and they appeared back in Sam's Stanford room. He gave Gabriel a questioning look.

“You pine over her all the time, I thought I could give you one more day with her. Don't worry, you get the whole 24 hours but back in the real world it's only 1 second.” Gabriel looked at Sam and the smiled dropped from his face “You don't like it?” he whined, “Damn, I thought this was perfect.” Sam shook his head.

“It's great, very thoughtful, but I've moved on. This was 9 years ago and if I see her again it's going to bring it all up again. I don't want to go through that.” Gabriel pondered it for a second before the room dissolved from around them and when Sam blinked they were back in the bunker.

“Sorry, Samsquatch. I'm not quite on board with the whole emotions thing.” Sam nodded, Castiel was the same. “Is there anything else you want?” Gabriel asked, looking up through his eyelashes, well he was forced to as Sam was a whole head taller than him. Sam thought about this, what did he want more than anything in the whole world? He looked down at Gabriel who was looking straight back at Sam and when their eyes connected Sam knew what he wanted.

“All I want for my birthday is you.” he lowered his voice, hoping that Gabriel would get it.

“But I'm already here.” Gabriel cocked his head, confused, he frowned and looked at Sam. It was obvious when he finally got it, all expression dropped off of his face. “What you're implying is a sin, Sammy.” Sam nodded understandingly and turned away.

“Don't worry then. You don't need to give me a present.” Gabriel went thoughtful again and then Sam felt the angels hand on his back before the room dissolved away.

“Let's just say this is a trick.” Gabriel said before reaching up on his tiptoes to press his lips to Sam's.

“Whoops.” Gabriel whispered when he pulled away. Sam opened his eyes and found he was back in the bunker with his brother and Castiel gawking at hem.

“If we got married would that be considered incest?” Dean breathed to Castiel who looked relatively happy.

“I have no idea.” Sam and Gabriel stepped away from each other and Sam coughed awkwardly.

“Wow, this is awkward. Bye.” Gabriel said before leaving promptly.

(A/N: Surprise! It's Gabe! That was why I called it 'Guess Who' despite the line not being in the one shot. Exams are happening so sorry if updates get more and more sporadic.)

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