32 - Let's Kill Tonight

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Let’s Kill Tonight

(A/N: I’m really sorry for not updating for 2 months. I think I’ve been spending way too much time on Twitter. Whoops. I would love to start updating regularly again though. Writing is a stress release for me so it would be good for me. I hope you guys are okay. Please let me know what you want to read; if you want more angst, fluff, smut etc. and any other general improvements. Thanks for reading and enjoy this chapter.) (Warning: this chapter is about murder so there’s a lot of blood and gore. If you’re triggered by that then please don’t read this. I don’t want to trigger any of you.)

Dean stalked down the middle of the dark street. Not a soul was there to witness the crime. It was so late that the street lights had been turned off for energy saving. Dean’s hand was red and dripping, the knife hanging loosely in his fist. Dean felt like he had been born to rid the earth of scum, don’t get him wrong he enjoyed his retail day-time job, but the thick blood running down his arms was a pleasure he couldn’t describe. It was sick and twisted but it paid well and the earth was overpopulated anyway. Dean was helping to make the world a better place.

Castiel could see Dean in the distance, he was used to the dark because it was his working environment. Dean smirked when he spotted Castiel. They embraced when they reached each other, Castiel shivered with delight as Dean cupped his partners face with his crimson stained hands.

“Have you had fun tonight, baby?” Castiel asked, taking Dean’s hand and leading them down the street adjacent to the one they had met on.

“He wouldn’t stop screaming so I cut out his vocal chords.” Dean laughed heartily.

“I can’t stand screamers. I use a gag though, it’s a lot cleaner.” Dean nodded in an interested manner, deciding he might adopt that method in the future.

“How many more jobs do we have tonight?” Dean was exhausted from toying with his previous victim.

“Only one. We’ll make it quick. I need a nice relaxing bath.” Castiel stopped as they reached the door to a multistory carpark.

“I second that.” they shared a devious smile before going through the door. The victim was here for a drug exchange. It would be his last. The client wasn’t receiving the correct money for his high end Cocaine. Those in the immoral circuit knew the Novak name well. If you had a problem, the Novaks would give you a permanent solution.

The exchange was rounding up as they approached, they divided off and went either side of the victim as the client drove off and left his own client to pour a line along his bumper. Boy, this guy was desperate. Dean held up two fingers to Cas as a sign to halt, he wanted this guy to have one last moment of euphoria before the inevitable end.

They didn’t let him put away the drugs before approaching him while his back was turned. Castiel pressed the gun to the back of his skull. This is what he had meant by quick, Dean personally prefered to use a knife because it was more fun.

“Game over.” he whispered in the guys ear before pulling the trigger. Brains splattered across Dean’s face as the bullet exited the front of the victims head. He looked across at his husband and saw his face had also been sprayed by encephalon. Dean took out a cloth and wiped the blood from his partners face before attending to his own dirtiness. They then removed their shoes so as not to leave footprints leading away from the crime scene, which would confuse the police to no end.

“Let’s get home quickly so we can have that bath.” Castiel giggled as Dean covered his face in light kisses after the innuendo filled suggestion.

(A/N: I’m sorry if you hated this, I’m running out of ideas. I guess you could call it writer's block, I would call it not thinking enough. Yes, the chapter title is inspired by Panic! At The Disco. Comment your favourite PATD songs or your favourite songs in general because I love interacting with you guys.)

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