Ch.3 The Ceremony

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     Leia and others that led the mission stood on the stage in the ceremonial hall as the music played for the heroes walked to the stage. Luke, walked with his head up, filled with so much joy and pride in what he accomplished. Han, well he was Han. He walked with all of the cockiness he had inside of him and pride with Chewie following behind him.
     They reached the stage as Leia picked up medals to put on them. Leia first put the medal around Luke and he smiled big at her and received a smile back. Then she grabbed the next medal, and put it around Han's neck. He shot her a wicked smile (that she secretly found attractive but would never ever let him know) and a wink. She gave him a slight, flirty smile then they all turned to the audience as they applaud and cheered for the heroes of the galaxy. The celebration began as everyone talked and had some food. Leia managed to sneak out back to take a break from the celebration and everyone, leading her to an open grass area with a balcony and a beautiful view. Han caught a glimpse of her sneaking out to the back and slowly followed her.
      She stood looking out on the balcony looking at the view, wondering where to go from here. She had no home and no family. It never really hit her until everything finally slowed down for once. Flashbacks played in her head; her last words to her parents, not knowing those would be the last words said to them ever.
     She heard footsteps and turned around to see Han had found her. "Why aren't you inside celebrating with the others?" She asked him.
     "I could ask you the same thing, your worship." He said as he walked to stand next to her.
      She turned back to face the view again. Han then said' "So you're not going to ask why I came back?" He asked as leaned against the pillar of the balcony, folding his arms."
     "I'm sure you would respond with 'It was the right thing to do' but we both know it was for more of a reward." She said while looking out at the lights then giving him a stern look.
    "I thought you said there was more to me than money?"

    "Well maybe I was wrong."

     "Hm, so that's what you think?"

      "That's right."

       "Well I guess I was wrong too then."

        "Wrong about the what?"

       "I thought maybe you actually wanted me to stay."

       "You're delusional." Leia looked at him with an annoyed look hoping he would leave but he didn't. "What are you still doing here?"
       "I don't know I'm just waiting for you to admit it." He said with a smirk.
       "Admit what?" Leia asked angrily.
       "Your feelings for me." He hit her with that wicked grin again' "Come on your highness, it's so obvious."
       "Must be the wrong princess flyboy because I have no idea what you're talking about." Leia said as she began to walk away and back into the celebration hall.
       "Why are you walking away then, huh? Most people just ignore the question and not walk away from it." He said as he followed her.
       "Do you enjoy annoying me? Is this entertaining to you?" She asked as she stopped and turned to face him. He stopped in front of her and responded with, "Of course I do, what else would I do in my free time?". He gave her a smirk and a sink then made his way back inside.
      Leia watched him walk away with a confused look on her face and annoyed to the fact she wanted him to leave so that her whatever it was she felt for him would go away. She looked out into the view once more before making her way back into the hall thinking, Oh no, am I getting a crush on the smuggler? NO. OH GOD PLEASE NO.

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