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Vader walked me to a cell, sadly with the amount of times I've been here it began to feel like a routine. The walk to the cell was silent except for Vader's boots walking across the halls, a sound I did not miss. "I am glad you came to realize that this was the right decision.", I ignored him knowing that there were so many other reasonable choices I could have made to end all of this but knowing that Han and Luke would be okay made me know this was the right decision.
We arrived at my cell and without looking at or saying a word to Vader I walked in to sit down. I was mentally drained from all that had been happening in my life. I laid down on the small bed and closed my eyes then I woke up in the middle of the platform on the Death Star. Another nightmare.
It was dark everywhere and all I could make out were two figures at the end of platform. I got up to start moving closer so that I can see the figures. One was a hooded person with their back towards me then I saw the other was a man. The man was Han. He looked terrified then all of a sudden the hooded figure began lifting one arm, making a gesture as if they were choking Han. He began grabbing his neck trying to gasp for air. I ran towards him but then I wasn't able to breathe and was gasping for air too. After a few seconds I was thrown across the room and I was back in my cell.
I woke up scared wondering when these nightmares would end. I felt a cloak of fear warp around me but I used the force to wipe it away. I could not be scared.
      I heard footsteps approaching my cell. The last time I heard that happen, it was Han saving me but I knew that was not going to happen this time, or ever again for that matter.
      The doors opened and in walked Jon, the last person I wanted to talk to. "What do you want?", I asked without looking up at him. "You sure have a way with greetings.", he responded. "My specialty.", I said in a serious, sarcastic tone.
       "I see that captain of yours hasn't changed you.", he said.
       "You know nothing about Han and you certainly know nothing about me.", I replied angrily.
       "I do know that you're still mad about what happened years ago on Alderaan."
       "Fine you want to hear me say it? Yes I'm still mad, no more like angry and I always will be. You screwed me over making me ever for a second think that you actually cared for me. All you cared was about that crown and title on your head but luckily I was able to get you out while I could. Better?"
      "Ouch. You'll see that I'm changed eventually."
      "I'm here to pay my part of the negotiation to Vader, not make up lost time with you, Jon."
      "Still hungover on your little dead captain."
      "He's not dead."
      "Oh you actually thought that Solo and Skywalker were going to live?"
     "What are you talking about?"
     "Han was dead before you guys even arrived here. And there is no way Luke is going to survive."
     "You're lying, you're just getting in my head."
      "Would I come to your cell to make conversation to tell a lie? Are you that hung up on your little happy life that is never going to happen."
        I was at a lost for words. Han was dead and I did not know how or if I would ever accept that. Tears began rolling down my cheeks then Jon began walking towards the door saying, "Poor princess, thinking love could save you."
         Before he could reach the door I lifted my arm, extending it out towards his neck and making a gesture as if I was choking him. I focused all of my mind on the force to make him choke while watching him grasp for air. I then said "Go to hell, Jon.", letting him drop to the floor. I lost everything and everyone that meant anything to me. Luke was out there but would be really survive? I knew exactly what I had to do.
          I angrily made my way to Vader while thinking about all of the good memories I had in my life with my family, friends, Luke and lastly Han. But that was all gone and I had nothing left.
          I arrived at Vader's room and stopped before him and paused before speaking. After a few seconds I said, "I'm ready to begin my training."

L E I A   &   H A N : An Adventurous Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now