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Green was all I saw around me, in a type of beautiful meadow-like field. I was laying down in the grass, looking up to the stars. They were shining brighter than I had ever seen them, allowing light to radiate off of the glistening dew that dropped from the flowers. I heard a voice next to me say, "If you look closely, you can see Alderaan.". Not looking to the direction of the voice, I looked all around in the sky and it really was there, Alderaan. I smiled, knowing that home was still with me if I looked hard enough. I turned to face the voice and smiled even bigger, "Han.".
"Still can't get rid of me that easily.", he said with his smirk. "
"I guess not.", I chuckled. "Are you really dead?" I asked. He then turned to look at the stars too, "We are all born to die someday, just have to make our mark in the galaxy."
"What mark do smugglers make?"
"Falling in love with a cold-hearted princess."
"Not kidnapping them and turning them in to pay off a debt?", I half-laughed.
"Sometimes plans change. Luckily mine did."
"Please come back.", I said as I turned to face him.
"I know, I want too. It's not hard to find me though, princess. I'm always here."
"I won't have my powers when I get back, what if this is the last time I see you."
"Come on, you think I'm going to stop annoying you that easily?", he said as he stroked my face. "I love you, Han.", I said as I grabbed his hand that was stroking my cheek and a tear fell. He then replied, "I know."
I woke up sitting in the copilot seat as Rey and I sat in silence for awhile as we traveled to the Jedi temple to find Luke.
I snapped out of my thoughts, realizing we arrived at the island. Once we stepped off the ship, we were led to steps that followed up to the very top of the island mountain. We looked at each other then nodded, knowing that we were both ready to make our way to the top.

As time passed we finally reached the top only to find someone in a robe overlooking the waters with their back to us. I walked closer as they took down their hood with him turning to us, and I was shocked and relived to see that we actually found Luke. But it was future Luke, he had a gray beard with shaggy hair, knowing he had been in hideout for quite some time. "Leia??" Rey stood their with her eyes wide open. She then grabbed the light saber out of her bag and held it out for Luke to grab. "What are you doing here?", he asked. "How did you get that?", he then asked looking at Rey. She continued to hold it out looking at him saying, "It's a long story." He looked at me and then said, "How are you here? You're back to you younger self. What is going on?" I looked at him and replied, "I'm not really sure how to explain it, it's a long story too. But all I know is that you're the key to getting me back to present time."
       He then said, "I saw a vision that you and Han would come looking for me. But Obi-Wan warned me that only one of you will make it."
       "Obi-Wan knew one of us would die? He tried to warn me for both us to make it out alive but he knew it wouldn't matter."
       "Han died?"
        I nodded trying to not let out any anger. "Luke, just please get me back."
        He nodded then I turned and gave Rey a hug. She hugged me back, then said, "Thank you. Han is so proud of you, I just know it.", I then said, "Don't ever let your light burn out, you're so strong and brave with the force, Rey. Wherever your family is, just know that they love you very much."
       I then hugged Luke, whispering, "Please take care of my daughter."
       He looked surprised that I knew who she was but nodded and smiled. "Close your eyes and focus while letting the force flow through you.", he told me. As I kept my eyes shut and focused, many flashbacks began playing, from when I was on the Death Star, Luke and I finding out who our father was, battles on the rebel base and, Han and I. It felt as if I was reliving each of them, one by one. After a moment, everything went black.

L E I A   &   H A N : An Adventurous Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now