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The sight that I saw left me speechless and frozen. A man who was in chains, who looked exhausted and covered in blood spots on his shirt. A man that I recognized from anywhere, "Oh my god, Han!?", I said after I was able to finally formulate words out of my mouth. "Leia.", he said relieved.
I jumped down to help take the chains off and help him stand up. "How are you alive? I saw you die, I saw your body.", I asked him simultaneously getting out of the compartment of the ship. "You were the voices in my head.", I whispered.
He didn't answer me but instead just hugged me really tight. I didn't say anything either for a moment. Having him back was all I could think about and all I wanted to think about. Finally, I was hugging a warm life-filled Han. Then I spoke again saying, "This isn't real, they are trying to distract me.", as I began to back away and shake away the sight of Han. He then walked towards me grabbing my face saying, "Hey, hey, Leia. It's really me. I'm here."
That was when I then believed that it was really him as I grabbed his hands that were still placed on my face. "Good, because I still need you here to annoy me once in awhile.", I said as we both smiled then continued, "We have to find the crown on the ship, it's the only way he will finally die." Han walked over to the compartment again and grabbed something out of a box. The crown.
"How did you know where it was?"
"I saw it before he threw me in there, figured it had to be somewhat valuable."
"Come on, we don't have much time.", I said as we ran out of the ship, back to Luke. Running, I stumbled again grabbing my side, coming to a stop. "Leia, what's wrong?", Han said in a worrying voice.
"I'm fine, let's go.", I said beginning to walk but he stopped, "No, you're not going. I'll go, just tell me what to do."
"Han, I have to. Luke and I have to defeat him together.", I said to him. He then looked towards door of the hallway we needed to get to. "Fine.", he said but then he picked me carrying me all the way the battle. "Han, how are you alive?", I said barley being able to breath normally. "Alive, I haven't figured that out yet. But I do know I must have got sent back a little sooner than you.", he responded.
He sat me down behind a corner saying, "I see Luke over there, he looks really weak."
"Luke!!", I screamed as I jumped up and ran with all of the force I had in me to throw the crown, then ignited my lightsaber hearing Jon say, "Where did you find that?!". Luke and I both hit the crown with our sabers, causing Jon to become very weak, and falling to the floor. "What have you done!?", he asked.
"Something that I should have done a long time ago.", I said walking over to him, swinging my saber around, ready to kill him. "K-k-k-ill me. Kill me and let the a-a-anger run through your veins. Kill me out of hate and f-f-fear.", he said, struggling with every last breath that he had.
"I'm not killing you out of anger and fear. I'm killing you out of bravery for everything that you have taken from me and the justice of the rebellion. You don't scare me one bit.", I said to him.
"Y-yo-you should have been d-ead-dead.", he said, pointing at me.
"Such a shame isn't it? You're gonna just have to experience hell for the both of us.", I said as I stabbed the saber through is chest. Then, his body started glowing and gleaming, like light was trying to find any crack it could to break free, while he was screaming. He then broke into a million pieces, that floated down off the edge, finally gone.
I ran to hug Luke, "It's over.", he said to me.
"Finally.", I replied. Han then made his way over to me and grabbed me, not believing we were both alive and together for once. He backed away saying, "I remember everything. Everything is coming back in flashes.". I sighed out of relief then sat down against a wall. "Why did you try to fight him, you could have killed yourself.", Han asked me.
"This was the last chance to end him, I had to.", I said.
"And I was to watch you die?"
"I'm here, I'm okay."
"But what if you weren't? Then what?"
"Well good thing you will never have to find out.", he didn't look at me then I spoke saying, "Han, I had to go for so long, thinking you were dead, multiple times. Then I watched you die.", he was still silent for a moment. "So is this how it's all supposed to be?", still no answer.
"So you weren't kidding about leaving out of my life.", I said. He then finally spoke saying, "Of course I don't want to be out of your life. You need to get to the medical base.", he said as he picked me up to carry me out of the hall. I then laid my head on his chest, exhausted and ready to close my eyes. "We haven't even been around each other for more than 30 minutes and we are already fighting.", I said. "Is that normal?"
"In case you haven't figured out, but nothing about us is normal."
"All we do is fight."
"Then fight with me. Fight with me for the rest our lives."
"Is this you proposing to me, Solo?", I said with a small smile. "Only if you say yes.", he said.
"Such a typical way for a scoundrel to propose to a princess. No ring, no rose pedals on the floor."
"Sorry I didn't have time under crucial circumstances of a situation but I don't know a princess and a scoundrel, pretty crazy right?"
We arrived at the medical base as he sat me down on one of beds. Before they were about to roll me away to a room he grabbed my hand saying, "I love you." Then I responded saying, "I know.", they started rolling my bed away to another room as he turned around and walked towards the chairs. "Solo,", I said to get his attention again, "yes.", I said smiling to him before turning the corner.

L E I A   &   H A N : An Adventurous Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now