Ch.8 The Monster

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    Leia's face was filled with complete sorrow and pain as she saw the man she loved lifted up on the platform and frozen in carbonate. His face looked as if he was in horror, trying to escape the carbonate with all he had in him but knowing he couldn't. Leia was terrified and a single tear fell down her cheek not knowing if she would ever see him out of the carbonate again.
    "Is he alive?", Vader asked Lando as he laid Han's frozen carbonate block on the surface of the camber room. "Yes he is. And in perfect hibernation.", Lando replied.
"Good, bring the rest of them to their cell on my ship. Once Skywalker arrives, send him to me." Vader demanded.
     Leia glared at Lando as the troopers directed her back to the cell. As they were walking, she felt a weird presence, a familiar presence, enter the ship. As she was walking down the hall to Vader's ship, she saw Luke. She screamed at him, "Luke! Don't go! It's a trap! It's a trap!". He turned and ran towards her as troopers began shooting at him and blocked the bullets with his light saber.
    Lando grabbed a fun from the trooper and hit two of them in the head, releasing Leia and Chewie from their chains. "What are you doing?!" Leia asked in confusion and anger. "Setting you guys free while you have to chance to escape.", he replied in confidence.
"You got Han frozen and now you think you can just save the day?! You're some hero.", Leia said in frustration. Chewie grabbed Lando but Leia stopped him and said, "Don't waste your energy on him, we need to warn Luke and get Han.".
Lando then said to them both, "I'll take the droid with me to warn Luke and then go get the falcon. Go save Han while you-" He stopped mid-sentence while they watched Boba Fett take off with Han's carbon block inside the ship. Leia stepped forward as she watched the ship take off, in sadness. She had no idea how she was going to get him back but all she knew, was that she was.
The three of them began making their way towards the chamber as quietly as the could while they watched Luke battle it out with Vader. The light sabers clashed asking blue and red sparks. Vader slashed Luke's left hand right off then paused and looked at Luke and said, "You're surprisingly strong with the force like your father was." Luke stepped back with anger and shouted, "You killed my father! Obi-Wan told me it all!".
Vader replied, "Did he? Then you know who your real family is?", confused Luke looked at him and in a rude tone asked, "What are you talking about 'my real family?', Vader?". Vader stepped back and started walking, "How your father turned to the dark side, you and your sister were separated at birth....who became a princess.". Luke as shocked and asked, "Leia?!".
Leia, listening to all of this could not believe that this monster was her real father. Someone who took everything away from her could not be father. She refused to believe it. "Yes, Leia.", Vader responded the continued, "Just like her mother, she is foolish thinking that love can save her.". Leia was furious and just as she was about to walk away, heard Vader say something her and Luke both could not believe they heard.
"Obi-Wan was right, I did kill your father because....I am your father.". Luke was shocked, he did not know whether to kill Vader or let Vader kill him. "No! That's impossible! You're a monster, you will never be my father!", Luke shouted. He pushed Vader into the carbonate platform and ran off while he had the chance, bumping into Leia, Lando and Chewie.
"You guys! We have to run before we get caught!", Luke said to them. They all ran for the falcon as fast as they could. Luke knew Vader was not far behind, he could sense him more than ever before. They reached falcon and Lando piloted with Cheiwe as the co-pilot.
"Luke we need to get you to the base before you lose more blood.", Leia said frantically then continued, "Lando, fly to the rebel base, we will be safe there for now." Lando replied, "I'm on it!". He looked out the window as Vader saw them fly away into hyper speed.
They could finally breathe without anyone after them for once. "We will get Han back, I promise Leia. He will be okay." Luke said to her. She smiled slightly but didn't respond because she wasn't even sure if they would be able to get him back.
He then said, "How could Vader be our father? That monster. I tried to deny it but I could feel it. The more I don't want it to be true, the more it becomes a reality." Leia stopped wrapping a bandage around his arm then said, "He took everything from me. My mother, my father, my adoptive parents, my family, my home, my planet....Han.", she looked down feeling nothing but pain as if she was stabbed in the heart but alive, forced to live with the pain. Then she continued, "You're going to be next Luke. I can't have anything else taken from me. Not my brother."
    Luke was not sure what to say but reassured her again and said, "We will get him back Leia, we will get him back.", then hugged her, knowing that is as much as he could help with her how she was feeling right now.

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