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We made our way to battle Vader and Palpatine. Two names that I hoped I would never have to hear ever again. I would never have to run again in fear that they are going to catch me. This was going to be the end of it all.
We approached the double doors. I looked at Luke saying, "Are you ready?". He nodded saying, "Let's end this.". We walked in with both of our sabers hidden underneath my cloak and Luke 'handcuffed', leaving the chains lose and unlocked for him to act quickly.
"I found someone roaming around the halls, Vader.", I said as I threw him to the ground.
"Well Skywalker, you have some nerve walking back here so confidently.", Palpatine said.
"Kill him, Leia.", Vader said to me.

"Leia, please don't do this, it isn't you.", Luke pretended to beg.

"I'm sorry Luke but you give me no choice." I raised my lightsaber then quickly threw him his and we both stood in a stance ready to fight.
The empire leaders began laughing an evil laugh. Vader then spoke, "Very well done, but you Skywalkers are fools for thinking that you will battle us."
"Ready when you are.", I said. Palpatine replied, "As you wish.". He let a shock release from his hands then Luke and I ran to fight. I charged for Vader and our sabers clashed. Red and blue sparks flew everywhere as we clashed over and over again. "Fool you are to think you can trick me.", he said to me while we challenged each other with our sabers. "Fool you are to think you could change me.", I said back to him.
        As I was battling Vader and Luke battling emperor, a loud noise went off with a voice saying, "5 minutes until self destruct.". The emperor was becoming more and more weak but Vader was still standing. "Leia! We need get out of here!", Luke screamed. I knew we needed to buy Vader would not stop unless we made him weaker too. I closed my eyes and with everything in me, used the force to throw him against the wall. "Leia, let's go now!", Luke screamed at me again. I didn't move as I wanted to defeat him and see him be defeated but Luke grabbed my arm and we started running as fast as we could.
       There were stormtroopers everywhere but we fought out way through them. In the distance I could see Han's ship waiting for us. The faster we moved, the farther away the ship appeared. I could see Han shooting down troopers left and right. Then all of a sudden unfamiliar and unwanted face ran off the ramp. "Enjoy your captain, if he remembers.", Jon said to me as he walked off. I looked at him shocked to even see him alive. "What did you do?", I asked then charged at him, stabbing him through his chest. I had no idea what he had done but watching him die and knowing that he was gave me satisfaction of finally ending any connection I had to him.
We finally reached the ramp and I grabbed Han to run inside was troopers were approaching quicker. "The Death Star is going to self destruct! Get us out of here!", I said to Han. He then replied sarcastically, "No, I wanted to sit and chat with them.". I rolled my eyes, shocked he even made such a comment knowing we are all going to get killed.
The ship began lifting off of the Death Star and I screamed to Han, "Go into hyperspace!". All of a sudden we took off and and I flew back and fell to the ground. I got up to go to the back of the window and watched the Death Star explode into a million pieces. Something I have wanted to happen for a long time.
"Did you feel anything?", Luke asked me. I looked over to him then said, "No, not at all.". We both knew that wasn't good because that meant Vader was still out there. "It's not over yet.", I said.

L E I A   &   H A N : An Adventurous Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now