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We walked off the falcon and headed for two doors that were guarded by storm troopers. "It looks like we have early guests.", I said to Luke. "Well then let's show them how we treat our guests.", Jon said to us. "You are going to get us killed and ruin our plan!" I said angrily to him. He turned slowly while saying, "Oh Leia, you really are new to all of this aren't you?". I stared with a mean glare then he walked up to the storm troopers saying, "You will step aside and let us pass through without anyone knowing we were let in.". The storm troopers repeated him and Jon gave us a signal to follow him.

I looked at him confused then he said, "I know I'm nice to look at but if you want to make up for what happened on Alderaan, I have many ways we can fix that before we get inside the empire.". This made me even more angry then I said, "I think I can survive without that. Don't start with me, Jon.". He laughed while walking through the halls of the Death Star. "I gave you a chance, don't say I didn't ask.", he said. "What are you even talking about?", I asked him. Then all of a sudden he pressed a door to let us in a room and there was Vader and the emperor standing on the deck. "Jon, what is going on?", Luke moved his hand down to reach for his weapon in case someone started the war as I did the same. "Screw you, Jon.", I said loudly as the door was closing. He peeked his head through and replied, "Don't say I didn't ask you, Leia."

"Glad this fight could start early.", I said to Vader. He laughed and replied, "Are you sure about that?" I reached for my weapon and realized it was not there. I looked quickly to Luke to find that he was searching for his too. Jon watched from a window holding our lightsabers in his hands with a smirk on his face. "Foolish to think I would allow you near us with weapons, and two jedi at that."

"Father, if you are going to kill just take me and let Leia go. She does not deserve this. It was my plan to come here.", Luke said. "Luke, stop I came here with you, it was my plan.", I said quickly in response. Emperor Palpatine the added in, "Twins that would risk their life for each other, foolish twins.". I wanted to use my force to kill him right in that moment but I remembered what Luke told me and that the emperor is much more powerful than I am. "Now let's get straight to our negotiation. You twins have discovered that you have the force but when you join forces together, oh together, you both are stronger than you can ever imagine."

"There is no way you actually believe that we will join you.", I said to him loudly. "It would be a shame for your dear Captain Solo to die because you cared more about yourself.", Vader added. I was disgusted that he threatened Han.

"Do not hurt him. He has nothing to do with this.", I added quickly

"He has everything to do with this. If he brought you here like we planned originally, you never would have had to worry about him in the first place. But like your mother, you thought love could save you from it all."

"But that is where you are wrong. Love has saved me. It is the only thing that gives me hope to fight on for the rebels everyday. You were scared, you gave up everything-", I was cut off by Vader himself.

"SILENCE!", he screamed then continued, "Han, is close to his death bed as it is, I suggest you make the right decision for him to live.", he inputted. "If I stay here, you will guarantee that Han is safe AND-", he cut me off again. "You may have been a princess but there are no additions to our negotiation.", he said to me.

"AND, you let Luke go, guaranteeing he stays safe.", I demanded.

"Leia, no! What are you doing?!", he screamed to me.

"I'm sorry, this is the only way we all will be okay.", I said to him while holding back tears.

"Fine.", Vader said with a serious voice, "Get Luke on the next ship to the rebel base."

"No I am not leaving you here, Leia!", Luke screamed again.

"Luke, it's going to be okay. All we are doing is fighting fire with fire. You have to tell Han something for me when he wakes up.", I walked up to him and hug him, "To tell him I'm sorry and to find the one thing he has always wanted me to find....peace." I hugged Luke tighter and could feel him ready to cry. "You are my sister, Leia. You cannot give up now.", he said to me. "I'm not giving up, I am ending this.", Leia said.

"It is time for Luke to leave.", Palpatine requested. The stormtroopers came in right away to take away and allow him back his lightsaber only AFTER he steps off the ship." Luke stared at me the whole way out of the room, screaming, "Leia don't do this! It is a trick to get you to the dark side! You can't do this!". The door the shut and Luke was gone. I didn't know when or if I would ever see him again but I knew this was what had to be done.

L E I A   &   H A N : An Adventurous Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now