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       I woke up in the hospital bed with Han sitting in a chair next to me, holding my hand. As I turned to face him I saw that he was asleep . I felt a sense of so much safety and security with Han there and waking up to him holding my hand. An even better feeling of security came across me when I was able to take in the fact that Han was actually alive, beside me.
        Han opened his eyes to see that I had been awake too, "Hey, how are you feeling?", he asked. "I've felt worst.", I replied.
      "You and me both.", he said.
         "Han, this may not be the right time to bring this up but listen to me please.", I said then paused as he looked up at me confused.
"I know you will never forgive me for what happened years ago, no matter how much-", I was cut off.
         "We aren't going to talk about this, you need to rest.", he said.
         "No I need to talk about it because it is causing me to have nightmares. You know I did love you.....I do love you. It's part of the reason I left. I got scared."
        "Hm, so after all of these years I guess I'm really not the only one who runs away from people they love."
        "Shall I count the amount of times you ran or even planned to run away? I ran once, and it was to keep me alive."
        "And thanks to you I almost got killed for it."

        "Look Leia, I don't care about what happened years ago, we were both young and made our mistakes. All I care about right now is you and me, that you get rest, and we are both alive. Okay?". he said with an innocent look on his face, something you never see from a scoundrel, especially the Solo scoundrel.

      I nodded as he leaned down to kiss my forehead. "Good," he said, then continued, "because I can't have my wife scared and run away because she has always been completely infatuated with a gorgeous guy like me."
I smiled as I rolled my eyes as he grabbed my hand again, giving him a slight smile, "I won't leave this time, I promise.", he kissed my hand then replied, "I know."
     "How are you wounds?", I asked him.
     "A little sore but I'll be fine, they stitched me up right after you were rushed into surgery.", he responded. We sat there in silence for a moment, a comforting silence.
     "What did you see after you felt the light saber stab?", I asked him, scared to even know the answer as I saw the pain immediately reflect through his eyes.
     "The last face I saw was you. And that hurt me more than any physical pain could ever bring me because I spent my last days mad at you, making you believe I didn't want to be in your life any more and boy was I wrong. All I want is to be in your life forever.", he paused for a moment looking down then continued, "But after that, I woke up in a cell on Vader's ship, hearing him talk to Jon about capturing you while, 'making you pay.'. I tried to fight him and I knew in that I had no chance against him but I couldn't let him bring more pain to you. They just ended up torturing me and then I was thrown into the ship. After Vader was fighting you and Luke, he ran back in while he had time and threw me into the cargo hold that you found me in. Leia, he's not dead yet.", I could tell he saw my face turn to fear. Hearing his name made terrified as it brought memories of the torture he caused me years ago, nearly bringing me to tears but I shook it off. I pointed to right below his collar bone where there was a wound, almost a scar at this point, asking, "Is that from the empire?". He nodded saying, "Yeah. There are more just like that on my back.".
     My eyes filled with tears then he said, "Hey, hey hey,", cupping my face in his hands, "I'm okay. Look at me. It doesn't hurt anymore, okay?".
I looked at him, nodding as a single tear ran down my cheek. He wiped it away then hugging me he said, "Rest up, because once you are out of here, we have a wedding to plan."

L E I A   &   H A N : An Adventurous Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now