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      "No, there has to be some other way.", I said pacing back and forth.
      "There isn't, I spoken to Obi Wan and he even informed me that it's the only way. Think about it, Han is the only thing that brought you back to the light side. If Han is gone, then you have no reason to stay and will be able to turn to the dark side. That's all Vader wants.", Luke said. He was right.
"When will this all end? He's taken everything from me, isn't that enough?", I said to Luke trying to stay as calm as I can.
"We will stop them. It has to end somewhere and it will.", Luke said. The general walked in then said, "Ms. Organa, Mr.Skywalker. We are assembling our team for the war against the empire back on Hoth.". I nodded to him then made my way to the hall for our meeting.
A few hours later....
Everyone started to put on their snow gear on before the signal for battle was given. I looked around as rebel soldiers were having conversations with each other casually. There were so many new and familiar faces that I might not see ever again, but I knew we all were doing this for all of those who died before us fighting against the empire.
I was wearing my white snow jacket and pants, along with white snow boots. This outfit kept me more warm than any other outfit I had owned.
I glanced over across the room to see Han putting on his snow coat as well. He began to turn his head towards me and I looked away quickly before he saw me glancing over at him. From the corner of my eye, I could see him beginning to make his way to me, but I he pretended to not notice him, zipping up my snow jacket. "So Princess, anything you would want to tell me before this war happens? Just in case I have to come save you from the empire again.", he said to me.

"Enjoy your flight to Hoth hot shot.", I said as I began to walk away but of course, he followed behind.

"Oh come on, you know what I am talking about."

"Yes I do but I don't know why."

"Why are you acting so weird?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Finding anyway to avoid me when I am around you."

"In case you have become even more delusional than you already are, I have never been very fond of your presence."

"And that! You act like you don't care when I am around but really it drives you crazy. I can see how crazy it drives you-"

"Fine, Han.", I stopped and glared at him as I cut him off, as he then stopped too. Not believing what I was about to tell him, I then continued. "You do drive me crazy, completely crazy, since the day you "rescued" me on the Death Star. If it wasn't obvious I actually hated you at first. Then, I hated you even more because I fell in love with you....But you fell in love with me too and you cant remember that because your memory was erased. And I can't be around you anymore because all I am reminded of is how much you hate me. You're not the same anymore, Han. You've forgotten all of the good memories but all you remember is how much we can't stand each other. Just like it used be.", I stood there with him staring at me in shock and confusion. His eye were wide open, not knowing what to say. I stood there looking back at him asking in sarcasm, "You happy that you know now, Han?"

Of course he had some type of sarcastic remark saying, "And you call me delusional, very entertaining story though." I suddenly became angry then replied, "Why did I even bother thinking you would understand? Enjoy your trip.", then I heard Luke walk up to me, hesitant to interfere, then stepped forward and said, "Leia, we are ready to send off the rebel fighters, the general needs you.". I gave Han one last glare, angry that I even let myself tell him anything.

I began walking away with Luke as he whispered to me, "What happened over there?". I shook my head answering, "Nothing, nothing at all."

A little bit later...

I sat in the control room with the general, rebel fighters and Luke. "After I call the evacuation code, that is the rebel fighters cue to go straight to the empire's ship for attack. Understood?", I ordered. They all nodded then I said, "Good luck.", I turned to Luke and informed him, "I'll meet you at your x-wing, I have to run to my room to grab a few more things.", he nodded then I quickly made my way to my room.

As I walked down the hall arriving at my room, I turned my head to see Han on the opposite side of the hall, looking around frantically. I quickly stepped inside my room before he could see me. I listened as he asked rebel soldiers, "Where is Leia?", then he turned and asked another one, "Have you seen Leia?". I heard footsteps approach closer to my door, then a knock.

"Leia?.", he said eager to talk to me.

"You're supposed to be at your ship with your rebel soldiers.", I said in a serious tone.

"Leia, please open the door."

"We can talk when you get back.", I said back to him. As I listened through the door, I did not hear his footsteps leave. I opened up the door and began saying, "Look, Han-", but I was cut off as he grabbed my face and kissed me. I was in shock but, happy, as well as confused. I looked at him as he looked back at me for a few seconds, not saying anything. He then said, "Just in case I don't make it back.". He backed away and ran off to his ship as I stood there watching him leave.

L E I A   &   H A N : An Adventurous Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now